Welcome to the new Personal Euphoria checkout! Please select your desired class from the choices below. To complete your registration, you will be taken to Momence where all our workouts and classes are stored.

HIIT with Maggie

Pilates with Rob

Cardio Strength with Maggie

Core Strength with Rob
Pilates with Rob | Tuesday @ 6-6:45pm | April 22 - June 17
Exercises focus on the core muscles which include the abs, back, glutes and shoulders. We work to create balance and strength in your trunk and loose, limber limbs. Pilates strives to makes you strong and long while improving balance, coordination and posture. Every part of the body gets worked and you’ll discover muscles you never knew you had. Please bring a mat, a water, a green (or medium weight) flex band, and a 7.5-9 inch stability ball.
15 Min. HIIT with Maggie | Wednesday @ 8:10-8:25am | April 23 - June 18
(AKA Interval Strength) Interval training is a great way to increase your endurance and can increase aerobic capacity in just two days of training. This is a high intensity class. We’ll focus on endurance training, strength training and all-over body toning. You’ll be sprinting, jump roping, resistance training, and doing plyometrics (which involves jumping). While modifications will begiven, this may not be a suitable class for individuals with certain knee or ankle injuries. The class flies by and no muscle goes untouched. Please bring water, a mat, towel, 5-8 lb. hand weights, and a jump rope.
Cardio Strength with Maggie | Wednesday @ 8:30-9:15am | April 23 - June 18
This functionally, fun class provides a complete workout that will help tone and reshape your body. We’ll target the arms, legs, abs, and butt. In addition to using weights to help build strength, this class incorporates some light cardio to help improve cardiovascular health. The strength and cardio combo is a great way to improve overall fitness and build bone density. You’ll need: yoga mat, weights (1-3lb and 5-8lb, or larger if desired).
Core Strength with Rob | Thursday @ 6-6:45pm | April 24 - June 19
This functionally, fun class provides a complete workout that will help tone and reshape your body. You will use light weights, bands and your own body weight to improve strength, flexibility, balance and stamina to sculpt and tone. Bring a yoga mat, water, and light weights.