Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)
Amazon Appreciation
In Peru, I stayed at a lodge on the Yarapa River in the Amazon Basin. We traveled everywhere by boat and saw small villages of approximately 100 people. Seeing the way some of the people lived made me both jealous of the simplicity of their life and so grateful for the technology and convenience life in the United State provides [...]
Travel and Exercise
This time of year a lot of us will take long car, train or plane rides. When you travel you don't have to forgo exercise. You can stretch in the airport or at the gas station. Stop along the way to take a short stroll and see what you've been passing by at 65-miles-per-hour. Before I left Peru, lots of [...]
Machu Picchu
I spent the past three weeks traveling in Peru. The first week we hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu--a place as magical and mystical as everyone says and pictures attempt to show. The stone city rivals the pyramids. Machu Picchu may not be the engineering feat the pyramids were, but resting high on the peaks of the Andes where [...]
As of tomorrow I will have gone one whole year without using shampoo:Exceptions:When I traveled to China and my boyfriend was concerned about me traveling overseas with a plastic baggie of baking soda.When I went to New Orleans to visit my sister for the weekend.When I went away with my family for a week and forgot baking soda.So there have [...]
Stay Healthy on Vacation
Right about now the count down is on for summer vacation. People are getting geared up for trips and time off work. Unfortunately, with vacation often comes a loss of schedule and difficulty keeping up with your fitness routine. Here are some tips for traveling and staying healthy:When booking a hotel see if they have a fitness center or pool. [...]
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