Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)
Just Get Started
I went to Waterford High School, where I think I was lucky to have a number of really good teachers. One of my favorites was my junior year English teacher, Gail Dimaggio. She set up classes like Socratic seminars and asked us to think about what we were reading. It’s hard to teach someone to think, but that typically seemed [...]
Plank Story: The Critters at My Door
Matt was traveling for work. I was home alone after dark sitting in the living room when I heard a noise. A noise I can’t quite describe, but it is the sound of horror films—a metallic scratching and thudding. My heart jumped to my throat because I knew I was going to die. This was definitely the sound from [...]
Hiking Alone
Heading to the trail-head alone. I can’t explain why but I needed to go hiking alone. I felt compelled to hike in the White Mountains all by myself. For some people this may be no big deal. When I’m hiking, I see lone hikers all the time. And now I wonder if their moms are as worried about [...]
Busy Bee No More
We hate getting a busy signal. We talk about someone being a busy bee, and we often claim we are too busy. Keeping up with the Joneses no longer feels like striving for the McMansion with a white picket fence, two kids, and a dog. Whatever your family or housing situation, lately, I feel like keeping up is about [...]
The Saga of the Microbiome Diet
I’m three weeks, two days, fourteen hours and fifty-three minutes (as of writing this) into my three month Microbiome Diet challenge. When this blog posts, I’ll be further along in case you just felt as bad for me as I did writing that. Our obsession and need for food is fascinating. Obviously we need to eat to live, though [...]
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