Travel (The Fun, The Adventures, The Mishaps)
Failure is the mother of success
Plank at sunset on Kili While I can’t say I’m not bothered by failure, I can at least recognize that very often I get some of my best stories out of failures or at least times when things didn’t go as expected. Still, failing is hard. It’s hard to accept. It’s hard to admit. It’s embarrassing. When [...]
Plank Story: Hiking Mt Kilimanjaro
We are currently standing on Mt. Kili with the peak behind us. That's how big the mountain is. Hiking Mt Kilimanjaro was a spectacularly grand adventure and simultaneously self-inflicted torture. On the first night I accidentally peed in my sleeping bag and broke my headlamp. The sleeping bag and headlamp were both much needed tools on the [...]
Tips for Hiking Mt Kilimanjaro
When I was planning my trip to Mt. Kilimanjaro, I wish I could have found a list of tips for hiking Mt Kilimanjaro to help me prepare. What’s out there is every tour organizations plug for why they are the best at getting people to the top, but not really helpful info from someone who had done it. For the [...]
Vision Board Party
My vision board...front and back. Stephanie Tishler of Tishler Coaching Services hosted a Vision Board Party. Full disclosure: Steph has been a client and friend for years, which is the reason I went. I’m not anti-vision board per se, but it’s not something I would normally seek out on my own. I didn’t know if I was [...]
How Egypt Opened the World for Travel
A friend asked me recently how I decide where to go on vacation?  From the beginning, I'd always enjoyed social studies and history class in school, but my freshmen year of high school when I took Western Civilizations with Dr. Dan Kelly, I fell in love with history. I knew then that I wanted to teach history at the college [...]
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