The Body & Movement2017-10-05T16:40:18-04:00

The Body & Movement

The Shortest Workout You Need!

The shortest workout you need sounds too good to be true. It sounds like a gimmick, but there is research that supports its effectiveness. But while it’s short, it will be challenging. Professor of kinesiology, Martin Gibala, and his team have shown that a specific 10-min, intense interval workout three times per week was as effective as 30-minutes of moderate [...]

By |October 7th, 2022|The Body & Movement|Comments Off on The Shortest Workout You Need!

You Are Not Complaining

With my private clients, my first question to them is almost always, “How are you feeling,” or “How is your body?” As you can imagine the answer can vary greatly from person to person and day to day. But often when someone has pain somewhere and they tell me about it multiple weeks in a row, they start to apologize. [...]

By |August 29th, 2022|The Body & Movement|Comments Off on You Are Not Complaining

Wrist Exercises

Who wants to do wrist exercises when we could be working our abs, butt, and thighs, right? Unless they hurt our wrists are not the first body part we think to workout. And when I was younger, you’d have a hard time convincing me I should waste any workout time on my wrists. Ah, youth! But it’s like any part [...]

By |August 15th, 2022|The Body & Movement|Comments Off on Wrist Exercises

National Disability Independence Day

July 26th commemorates the day the American Disabilities Act was signed. It reminds us of actions put in place to help create independence for people with disabilities. According to the CDC 1 in 4 US adults has a disability while 1 in 7 has a physical disability that impairs mobility. Those are the statistics, but people are more that data. [...]

By |August 9th, 2022|The Body & Movement|Comments Off on National Disability Independence Day

Forest Bathing

Last week some of the Personal Euphoria instructors went forest bathing. I didn’t know what to expect. Really, it has a terrible name. For me it brings thoughts of nudity, a bit of hokeyness, or potential images of cleaning the forest with sudsy bathwater. I know it’s none of those things, but the name does the practice no real service. [...]

By |August 1st, 2022|exercise, The Body & Movement|Comments Off on Forest Bathing

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