The Body & Movement
Grip Strength
Multiple research shows a correlation between overall health markers and grip strength. There seems to be a particular correlation with cardiovascular health (based on a study of 140,000 people over 4 years). Some researchers think testing grip strength might be a cheap, easy way to assess general heart health. This matters because grip strength often starts to diminish between the [...]
Movement Snacks
Movement snacks are short bursts of movement throughout the day much like you’d have a snack between meals. They are not meal substitutes. It would still benefit you to get a workout in, but whether you workout or not, adding small bursts of movement throughout the day is vital to health. If you absolutely don’t have time for a full [...]
Tips for Healthy Hiking
Tips for Healthy Hiking Hiking is one of my favorite pastimes. And it feels so much better when your body is ready to trek up a mountain. So how do you train for a hike? Here are some tips: Pack Your Weight Wear your pack when you train and put some weight in it. If you know how much [...]
Where is My Body in Space? Aerial Circus Class
Taking an aerial class has been on my bucket list for a while. This involves two silks hanging from a tall ceiling that you use like Cirque du Soleil would (please don’t think for a second I think I’m ready to join Cirque du Soleil). They refer to it as ‘circus.’ Most of the Personal Euphoria team wasn’t available to [...]
Keep Kids Moving This Summer!
Your kids are home from school. You’ve played all the board games you can. And, maybe it’s even a rainy week. What can you do to burn off a little of that excess energy building up in both you and the kids? KEEP MOVING, of course. You probably have items in your home that can help create a playful, imaginative [...]
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