The Body & Movement2017-10-05T16:40:18-04:00

The Body & Movement

Pain in the Bottom of My Foot

You have a band of fascia that might be causing pain in the bottom of your foot. It’s known as your plantar fascia (usually it is the only type of fascia that anyone has heard about). When it is inflamed and you experience pain that is known as plantar fasciitis (PLANTAR FASCIITIS ). The good news is, at least in [...]

By |April 8th, 2019|feet, feet exercises, The Body & Movement|Comments Off on Pain in the Bottom of My Foot

Healthy Eating

Because I’m in fitness, people often assume I eat healthful and know something about nutrition.  This reminds me of when I was  good at field hockey in high school.  People assumed I was generally good at sports.  I wasn’t. I’m interested in food and nutrition, but not the way I care about fascia and movement.  However, since my book Keep [...]

By |February 25th, 2019|food, The Body & Movement|2 Comments

How Much Sugar A Day?

Sugar is actually good for us.  Sugar fuels our brain and provides quick energy.  At least that is the case with sugar before it is fully processed and transformed into the white substance we normally see.  Sugar cane contains minerals and vitamins (like calcium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, cobalt, copper, zinc, and manganese).  All those nutrients and the fiber in the [...]

By |February 18th, 2019|food, food addiction, sugar, sugar habit, The Body & Movement|2 Comments

Moves for a Desk Jobs

Sitting isn't always bad! A study estimates that people spend in average 18 years of their life sitting.  We definitely need to get up and move more, but if we have a desk job that isn’t always an easy option.  But there are ways we can fit movement in at our desk.  Recently, at a speaking engagement geared [...]

By |January 14th, 2019|sit, sitting, The Body & Movement|2 Comments

Chakra Dance

Our team at Personal Euphoria gets together quarterly to do an activity.  Most recently we tried Chakra Dancing with Anne Stamatakis from Circle of Life Holistic Health.  I’m familiar with Chakras in that I would have told you they are different colored balls of energy relating to different parts of the body.  So, I guess, on second thought, I [...]

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