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Exercise on Vacation
Maggie hiking Mt Kilimanjaro A few people have asked me what I do for exercise on vacation. The answer: it depends. Sometimes I don’t. And that’s okay for anyone. It is necessary to allow your body a break from its typical routine for a week or two. In fact, it’s probably good. My regular routine has a [...]
Stiff Neck
September is Pain Awareness Month. And, sadly, a fifth of us are dealing with chronic pain. Often pain can make us afraid to move. We don’t know what we should do. We worry about making it worse. But research shows movement is almost always the better option. Lack of movement tends to create more pain. The exception would be an [...]
Standing Abs
There are multiple reasons to opt for a standing ab workout. If you have trouble getting up and down off the floor, you don’t have to. Even if you can get up and down, these moves are convenient because you don’t have to pull out a mat and get on the floor. If you’re prone to neck pain when doing [...]
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