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Carving for a Cause Charity Pumpkin Patch

Personal Euphoria is hosting the third Carving for a Cause Charity Pumpkin Patch Carving for a Cause Charity Pumpkin Patch was designed to highlight our local creativity, bring joy to our community, and raise money for a local charity. Personal Euphoria began sponsoring this event when, in the midst of COVID, we all needed a little glimmer of joy. Due to [...]

By |October 11th, 2021|Connecticut, halloween, holiday, The Body & Movement|Comments Off on Carving for a Cause Charity Pumpkin Patch

Motivation to Move!

Do you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day? Most adults don’t. Thirty minutes is important because it’s the minimum amount of exercise our bodies require to be healthy. Still ¾’s of adults aren’t getting that. So how do we find our motivation to move? What Doesn’t Work? First, we need to realize what doesn’t seem to work [...]

By |August 16th, 2021|exercise, friends, motivate, move, movement, work, workout|Comments Off on Motivation to Move!

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