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Senior Summer Challenge
Attention Class of 2022 Personal Euphoria is excited to announces our KEEP Moving Challenge: One student from the graduating class of 2022 will be awarded a $500 scholarship. To participate you must: • Create a Free Account at Personal Euphoria • Take On-Demand Fitness Classes for FREE between July 1st - August 31st, 2022 • Use code CLASSOF22CHALLENGE to take [...]
Plank Form
I always tell people to KEEP MOVING but one of the best exercises you can do involves no movement at all. I’m talking about planking. Planking may seem like a fad when world leaders are doing it (remember Canada’s Prime Minster Trudeau planking on a desk?) and the world record for longest plank is over 9.5 hours. But the research [...]
Do You Really Need to Exercise?
Please don’t get me wrong. This is not an article about how you shouldn’t exercise. It has an important role in our health and wellness, but exercise is not the only way to move and stay healthy. What’s really key is physical activity. All exercise is physical activity but not all physical activity is exercise. Exercise is the traditional, scheduled, [...]
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