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Senior Summer Challenge –Year 2
Attention Class of 2023! Personal Euphoria is excited to announce our KEEP Moving Challenge: One student from the graduating class of 2023 will be awarded a $500 scholarship. To participate you must: Create a Free Account at Personal Euphoria Take On-Demand Fitness Classes for FREE between June 1st - August 31st, 2023 Use code CLASSOF23CHALLENGE23 to take classes for FREE (for [...]
Are Your Workouts Fun?
When was the last time you laughed while exercising? When was the last time you were excited to get up and move? When we are children, movement is almost always playful and unstructured. Kids bounce around, they run in circles. Eventually they organize movement a little more in games of tag, frisbee, or capture the flag. Through college some people [...]
Pysanky Party
Ukrainian lore claims that the fewer pysanky eggs made each year, the more evil there is in the world. Make more pysanky eggs and evil diminishes. With that in mind, Personal Euphoria will be hosting a virtual Pysanky Party. All proceeds will be donated to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. Maggie Downie, owner of Personal Euphoria, has been making Pysanky eggs [...]
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