A Little Inspiration for the Day2017-10-05T16:43:36-04:00

A Little Inspiration for the Day

Plank Story: Tongue Tied

My dad has a Boston accent that Siri struggles to understand. After he talks a text and clicks send without rereading it, a nonsensical message of gibberish lands in my family’s group text. My siblings and I race to translate what he actually means. When I got a text from him that read, “I appreciate your blood this morning,” I [...]

By |March 25th, 2019|A Little Inspiration for the Day|3 Comments


I have been on a Low FODMAP’s diet since January 2nd.  Commencing immediately after the season of sugar, gluten, chocolate, carbs, gravy, chocolate, eggnog, and did I mention chocolate? Forced into a Healthy Lifestyle This diet is not by choice, although I guess no one can make me do it.  My gastroenterologist prescribed it.  I keep getting this frustrating [...]

Myers Briggs I’m No Martin Luther King

Guess I can enjoy an 8 hour hike in the woods alone because I'm an introvert. My best friend from childhood came for a sleep over (is that still the term once you are an adult?) and suggested I take a quick, online Myers Briggs test.  The Myers Briggs test is a personality test that is supposed to [...]

By |January 21st, 2019|A Little Inspiration for the Day, mark twain, Martin Luther King, perspective|Comments Off on Myers Briggs I’m No Martin Luther King

Chakra Dance

Our team at Personal Euphoria gets together quarterly to do an activity.  Most recently we tried Chakra Dancing with Anne Stamatakis from Circle of Life Holistic Health.  I’m familiar with Chakras in that I would have told you they are different colored balls of energy relating to different parts of the body.  So, I guess, on second thought, I [...]

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