AAUW Never Fails to Impress

Ann and I went to France in November to celebrate her 75th birthday. Ann and I went to France in November to celebrate her 75th birthday.

I have a good family friend, she’s more of an Aunt, who always invites me to attend the programs her branch of the AAUW (American Association of University Women) put on.  The food is always great thanks to the Norwich Inn and Spa. They accommodate my gluten-free needs.  And the presenter, lecturer or performer they have at these gatherings is always superb.

The event is always outstanding.  So it’s odd that last week, I presumed the program was going to be lame.  I don’t know why, because it was a one woman musical theater performance about female historical figures.  I love theater. I was a history major.  This should have been right up my alley, but I went to this one for the sole purpose of spending time with my Grandma and my Aunt Ann.  I just thought the performance sounded like it was for kids.

I shouldn’t have questioned it because I’m in part raising honey bees because of a Connecticut based author and beekeeper they […]

AAUW Never Fails to Impress2017-10-25T14:30:13-04:00

No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!

Plank in Bryce Canyon. Plank is one way to strengthen your glute medius and prevent a sexy hip sway!

I just read an article online that was coaching women on the proper way to sway our hips to appeal to men when walking.  Apparently, you can’t over-do the sway too much or it will look like you’re trying too hard; it’s got to be subtle and look natural.  The writer suggested throwing on a pair of high heels and just letting the sway come naturally.  Then they posted a video of two women walking in heels, hips swaying and described it as the “RIGHT way to walk.”  The Pilates instructor wanted to cry a little.

I get it.  We want to be sexy.  And maybe no one cares about proper walking mechanics and why women shouldn’t try to sway their hips.  But just in case, here is why you should care.  Walking properly, with a neutral pelvis, can help keep your joints safer […]
No More Sexy Hip Sway When Walking!!!2018-04-06T08:47:13-04:00

Pelvic Floor–And So to Up

When I trained with Pilates Elder Ron Fletcher he repeatedly quoted one of his mentors who, when encouraging someone to engage their pelvic floor, would say: “And So to Up.”

In pilates when we refer to the pelvic floor we are referring to what most people know as kegels. And when engaged, the direction that your kegels should go is up. Picture your pelvic floor muscles like a sheet lying on the floor. When you engage them they should lift up as if you lifted that sheet off the floor from the center. And so to up.

It’s important to work the pelvic floor because we often take those muscles for granted, but they are the muscles that in enable us to control our bowels and our bladder. And when you consider that they are the muscles at the very bottom of your pelvis, you realize that the weight of everything inside of our trunks ultimately presses down on these muscles.

Both men and women have kegel/pelvic floor muscles. It’s not just one muscle we […]

Pelvic Floor–And So to Up2017-09-12T19:31:40-04:00

I’m Thirty!

Well it’s done. I’m officially thirty. I’ve spent the past year being so excited about turning thirty that a piece of me feels a little let down. Kind of like when you spend months preparing for Christmas and then it is over in a heartbeat. It helps that I have a lot of exciting events planned for this year. But for the past year I have felt like I was twenty, when you can’t wait to be twenty-one, except there is no obvious perk that comes with thirty. However, I’ve heard many women say their thirties were their favorite decade.

In turning thirty and taking some stock in my life (let’s face it, thirty is still young, but it is one of those numbers that makes you want to reflect) I’ve kind of realized that one of the things I’ve had to come to terms with is my womanhood—the very thing I hope to embrace in my thirties. My life thus far has been an interesting roller coaster ride on my perspective of whether or not being a […]

I’m Thirty!2017-09-12T19:31:56-04:00
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