Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day brings thoughts of hearts, dinner out, roses, chocolates, and love. Or, it tends to make us grumble about Hallmark Holidays. I often fall into the latter category. To this day my favorite Valentine’s Day involved a viewing of Fatal Attraction.
We often associate the day with lovers or friends. But do you ever stop and think about your love for yourself and your body? Think of the majority of thoughts you have about your body. Are they positive or negative? Do you think more about how your body looks or what your body can do?
Here are a couple of exercises to help give your body a little TLC on this day of LOVE:
Treat Yourself
Pick an activity that feels like a real treat. Maybe that’s getting a massage or going for reflexology.Perhaps all you need is a moment alone for a hot bath and a cup of tea. Maybe a glass of wine and a good book or movie is your thing. Put some time on the calendar for you.
Sweet Nothings
When you catch yourself thinking a negative thought about your body, reverse your thinking. […]