Travel and Exercise
Machu Picchu
As of tomorrow I will have gone one whole year without using shampoo:
- When I traveled to China and my boyfriend was concerned about me traveling overseas with a plastic baggie of baking soda.
- When I went to New Orleans to visit my sister for the weekend.
- When I went away with my family for a week and forgot baking soda.
So there have been a handful of times where I’ve used it, but I can’t say I miss it at all. And the truth is, my hair is less oily and greasy, so when I do travel, I need to use shampoo rarely–once every three or four days maybe. And I think I only need to use it that frequently because I work out and sweat around my hairline.
They say habits take five years to make permanent, but I’m confident I’ve said my final bye-bye to shampoo suds for the time being. When I think of it what I’ll miss most of all is making funny hairdo and Mohawks with a sudsy head, but, truthfully, I haven’t done that since I […]
Stay Healthy on Vacation
Right about now the count down is on for summer vacation. People are getting geared up for trips and time off work. Unfortunately, with vacation often comes a loss of schedule and difficulty keeping up with your fitness routine. Here are some tips for traveling and staying healthy:
- When booking a hotel see if they have a fitness center or pool. Then remember your swimsuit or workout clothes.
- Dinner share. So you want to try everything on the menu? Share an appetizer and a dinner with your travel companion. Then you get to taste a little of everything without feeling super-stuffed.
- Walk from tourist site to tourist site instead of taking a cab or bus.
- Pack a handy fitness tool that is easy to travel with like a flex band. You can pull it out and do exercises in your hotel room.
- Pack a couple of healthy snacks like fruit or granola bars and eat them on the plane or in the car instead of plane food (which you rarely get anymore anyway) or fast food.
- Take stairs instead of elevators when available–in the parking garage, the airport, the hotel.