Enjoy Life

It’s the weekend. Make time for something you love to do. Life shouldn’t be only about working.

The weekend is the time to play!

Enjoy Life2014-08-04T18:05:20-04:00

Beat the Winter Blues

It’s February and though we haven’t gotten much snow the winter doldrums have certainly set in. The best way to stay happy throughout the winter is to change your mindset–make winter fun.

Young woman throwing a snowball

When I was a kid my mom gave me great advice. One piece of advice she gave was that if someone ever teases you act like you don’t care. They won’t get any satisfaction out of it and they won’t tease you. It was totally effective. Treat winter the same way.

When it does snow have a snowball fight, go sledding, build a snow man.

Go a little further north and go skiing or cross country skiing. Go ice skating. Bundle up and go for a hike in your favorite state park.

Get a group of friends together for game night and have some fun. Have a fire.

Whatever you do, don’t let the winter stop you!

Beat the Winter Blues2017-09-12T19:35:28-04:00

How Do You Keep Interested

Do anything long enough and you’re going to get bored. You’ve got to change–adjust your workout or your workout schedule. Add a new class.

I try to use a variety of different exercises in class so that people don’t get bored. Plus, while it’s sometimes scary, it is also fun to try new things. If you give your body and/or your mind a challenge, it will be easier to stay interested in whatever activity you choose for you health and fitness.

How Do You Keep Interested2014-08-04T18:05:53-04:00

Still Stuck on a New Year’s Resolution?

My friend Julie came up with one of the better resolutions I’ve ever heard. Here’s what she is planning on doing:

She’s going to pick twelve friends/relatives. From this group she’ll decide on one specific trait that she admires in each person. Then each month she will try to incorporate that characteristic into her life–just for one month, unless she opts to continue. For example, for January is following in the footsteps of a friend of hers who truly lives by her convictions. So Julie, who supports the vegetarian lifestyle, but hasn’t lived as a vegetarian is going to go meatless for the month of January. She’ll be living by one of her own convictions. At the end of January she can stick with it or return to her carnivorous ways.

Why this is such a great idea:

1) It really makes you think about what it is you admire about the people who surround you (and you can let them know that too).

2) Each month you sort of get a new resolution, so […]
Still Stuck on a New Year’s Resolution?2017-09-12T19:32:25-04:00

What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve

Today is a good day for a year in review. What are you proud of? What did you do this year? What was the best thing that happened to you all year? Did you have a favorite movie or book?

Take time to think about what provided you joy in life and figure out how to find even more joy next year.

What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve2014-08-04T18:06:03-04:00
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