A Healthy Fourth
Here are some tips for a healthy Fourth of July:
- Play volleyball with friends and family (kids are usually up for this)
- If you have multiple picnics, only eat one dessert during the whole day
- Drink lots of water
- Wear sunscreen (or a hat)
- Get friends together and go for a walk or a run
- Take five minutes to breathe
- Make time to do something you really want with the long weekend
- Start each day with 20 minutes of your favorite Pilates exercises
- Stop eating before you feel full
- Laugh
I’ve always been a fan of vinegar. I like the taste and as you may or may not know I wash my hair with baking soda and sometimes add cider vinegar. My sister is convinced that when you’re getting sick if you drink a teaspoon of cider vinegar you can ward off whatever is about to ail you. I’d buy that medicine.
Now researchers in Japan have concluded that 3 teaspoons a day of vinegar can help reduce body fat accumulation and reduce body weight. It’s like the miracle drink. It’s not going to hurt you, so why not ditch the creamy dressings and go with a little EVOO and a good vinegar.
Love Your Body
Think of something you absolutely love about your body. Now think of something you absolutely love about the person you are. Feel pride in both all day long.
Mind & Body
Remember that what you do with your body effects your mind. I see this constantly in myself. If I skip exercise, I start to feel frustrated and antsy. When I keep active I have more energy, stamina and am considerably happier.
But it works the other way too. What you think with your mind effects your body. If you think you can’t do something, you won’t be able to. If you think you can, you probably can. So next time you go to a challenging class, or take a long walk, or whatever you do physically, tell yourself you can.