Feeling Anxious?

New research by the UC Irvine anesthesiologists in collaboration with Yale doctors has show that rubbing midway between the eyebrows in a circular motion can reduce stress and anxiety. The benefits will last for about 10 minutes after you stop the motion and pressure.

Can’t hurt to try it next time a situation is tense. If nothing else you might evoke some laughter.

Feeling Anxious?2014-08-04T18:06:57-04:00

Remember to Floss

It doesn’t necessarily have to do with Pilates, but gum and tooth health can effect your whole body. I had a dentist appointment recently and my dentist told me I should floss more often. It’s a good reminder and only takes a minute.

If you need to get back in the habit, post a note on your bathroom mirror.

Remember to Floss2014-08-04T18:06:57-04:00

Versatile Tool

Do you own one of those large exercise balls? It’s a pretty affordable fitness tool–less than $20 in most stores like Marshalls or Target. You can use it all the time and work your core without even knowing it. You can watch TV sitting on the ball instead of the couch. If you get one that is large enough, you can eat dinner sitting on the ball–imagine a photo of the whole family sitting at the table on large, varied-colored balls.

It will engage muscles without you trying and probably make you and your family laugh–another good way to engage the core!

Versatile Tool2017-09-12T19:32:42-04:00

Use Outlook

Is your Outlook calendar at work (or home) marked to remind you to pull you belly button to your spine? You can make a daily reoccurring appointment to engage that core. Pick a time you are usually at your desk, or maybe mid afternoon when you’re starting to lose some energy.

Use Outlook2017-09-12T19:32:42-04:00

Bubble Bath

When was the last time you relaxed in a bath of bubbles or even a nice hot bath? It’s the middle of winter. Now is exactly when we can appreciate a warm bath to help relax exhausted muscles. Sometime this weekend make the time to soak in a tub. Turn off the lights. Read a book. Linger by candlelight. Just relax and take a load off.

Bubble Bath2014-08-04T18:06:59-04:00
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