Best Part of Class

I have no doubt that everyone honestly loves the ab series best off all, but more people comment, “I love this part” at the very end of class when we stand up and roll the shoulders and let the legs shake out. I like to believe the statement is made because class is over and everyone is so proud of the work they did over the past hour. It also might be that after an hour of engaging and working the whole body, releasing any tension feels wonderful.

Our bodies get tense without us even realizing it in daily life and during exercise. So whatever you are doing right now, stop. Take a moment and roll your shoulders and let your legs shake. Just let your whole body move and wiggle. Shake out that tension!

Best Part of Class2014-08-04T18:06:56-04:00

Slip Sliding Away

For anyone who has trouble in a ball class with their feet slipping on the mat and not sticking well, consider trying grip socks. I don’t wear them so I can’t really comment as to how well they work, but they are an option that is out there.

Here are some brands that were highlighted in Pilates Style Magazine:

Abi and Joseph


Slip Sliding Away2017-09-12T19:32:40-04:00

It’s My Party

Today is my birthday. My best friend Julie and I stopped exchanging presents for our birthdays and Christmas. Instead we plan get-togethers once a month and try to do something interesting or relaxing together. Activities range from dinner and a movie to riding an Alpine slide. We make memories along the way. It’s a nice tradition.
Is there a friend you can try this with?
It’s My Party2017-09-12T19:32:41-04:00


There is no substitute for stretching. A few weeks ago, after weight lifting, the muscles in my chest were burning for about a day and a half. Admittedly, I like that feeling, but it can start to get in the way of daily activity. I stretched the muscles for 3 sets of 30 seconds and boom–just like that–the tension in my muscles was gone.

Muscle pain doesn’t always dissipate so easily and daily stretching is important to keep your muscles from getting tight.

Take some time today and stretch your body. Move it in a way that feels good. You won’t keep stretching if you detest it, so don’t stretch to the point of pain. Feel a gentle stretch, not a strain. There’s got to be a position that feels good to you. What is your favorite stretch for your body?


A Foot Massage

I’m not talking about getting your feet rubbed. I’m talking about having someone rub you with their feet! I read about it before Christmas and was interested, so my sister got me an Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Massage for the holiday and I tried it out on Friday. It was fabulous.

I wouldn’t say I’d never want a regular massage again. They are different and beneficial in different ways. You can’t work a muscle with the feet the same way you can work on it with the hands, but having someone put most of their body weight on you is a great sensation–especially if you like deep tissue massages, which I do. The harder the better.

The therapist requested that I get completely naked, which isn’t typical of a regular massage, but they would sweep along my whole body in one stroke–from my feet to my neck, so full nudity was beneficial. It was worth it too because if felt great! I’m sure if full nudity is something you’re not comfortable with, you could leave undergarments on.

A Foot Massage2017-09-12T19:32:41-04:00
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