Mindful Eating February

We pick February for our Mindful Eating Challenge because it’s the shortest month of the year.  We are not ashamed to admit it.  Dry January.  Veganuary (being vegan for the month of January).  They got it all wrong with a month with 31 days when they could pick a month with 29.

Food challenges are hard.  At Personal Euphoria, we are all about fitness, not typically food.  But what we put in our bodies matters.  It impacts how we feel.  It is helpful to take a window of time and try to consider food.  Food fuels us and when we exercise how we refuel matters.  Sometimes, once I get started, I actually continue for more than 29 days.

Here’s the challenge if you choose to accept it:

You pick any food-related challenge you want—big or small.  I usually give up sugar.  I still eat fruit and a piece of toast if it has sugar.  But I cut out all desserts and snacks with processed sugar.  Sometimes I make an exception with honey.  I am a beekeeper, after all.

You don’t have to give up sugar.  Here are examples of ways others have participated before:

  • Give […]
Mindful Eating February2025-01-21T18:02:34-05:00

Mindful Eating February

We pick February for our Mindful Eating Challenge because it’s the shortest month of the year.  We are not ashamed to admit it.  Dry January.  Veganuary (being vegan for the month of January).  They got it all wrong with a month with 31 days when they could pick a month with 29.

Food challenges are hard.  At Personal Euphoria, we are all about fitness, not typically food.  But what we put in our bodies matters.  It impacts how we feel.  It is helpful to take a window of time and try to consider food.  Food fuels us and when we exercise how we refuel matters.  Sometimes, once I get started, I actually continue for more than 29 days.

Here’s the challenge if you choose to accept it:

You pick any food-related challenge you want—big or small.  I usually give up sugar.  I still eat fruit and a piece of toast if it has sugar.  But I cut out all desserts and snacks with processed sugar.  Sometimes I make an exception with honey.  I am a beekeeper, after all.

You don’t have to give up sugar.  Here are examples of ways others have participated before:

  • Give […]
Mindful Eating February2024-01-19T12:48:34-05:00

How Much Sugar A Day?

Sugar is actually good for us.  Sugar fuels our brain and provides quick energy.  At least that is the case with sugar before it is fully processed and transformed into the white substance we normally see.  Sugar cane contains minerals and vitamins (like calcium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, cobalt, copper, zinc, and manganese).  All those nutrients and the fiber in the sugar cane help us digest the sugar. When we consume sugar without the other nutrients (as is the case in white sugar) the body can be forced to leach calcium from bones and other tissues to help process the sugar.  So how much sugar should we get a day?

Two hundred years ago it is estimated that Americans ate about 10 pounds of refined sugar per year.  Today that poundage is estimated to be 156 pounds per person per year.  This does not include sugars from whole fruits or dairy products.  Just added sugar (white sugar, sugar cane, honey, maple syrup, agave, etc). 

The American Heart Association recommends 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons a day for […]

How Much Sugar A Day?2019-02-13T17:46:20-05:00

Mindful Eating Challenge

Years ago I started doing the No-Sugar February Challenge.  It has evolved into the Mindful Eating Challenge.  That means if giving up sugar isn’t really beneficial for you—maybe you aren’t the addict I am—you can choose a challenge that fits your needs for the shortest month of the year.

Challenge Suggestions (pick one or all):

Give up sugar (or whatever your vice is).

Make sure you aren’t distracted while eating.  Take time to stop and eat.  That means no eating in front of the television, Facebook, or while doing the crossword.

Try not to overeat at meals.

Try to include more veggies (perhaps even a veggie at every meal).

Use an app or excel spreadsheet to record everything you eat and watch calories in vs. out.

Try to drink more water, reduce caffeine or cut out beverages with calories.

Select a program like the Whole30, Paleo, vegan or some other food related lifestyle you’ve been interested in experimenting with.

Take a picture of all your food and text it to a friend.


We started a Facebook group if knowing you aren’t alone is helpful.  It’s the Mindful Eating Challenge group with lettuce leaves as its profile picture.  The challenge starts […]

Mindful Eating Challenge2018-02-14T15:56:37-05:00

Just a Spoonful of Sugar

SugarAs I write this, I’m snacking on some popcorn, which I can gladly say has zero grams of sugar.  Since I did the ten day detox (no grains, sugar or dairy) last month, I’ve been very mindful of how much sugar I eat.  Note: I still eat it.  I’m just trying to be aware.

I’ve always known that there is added sugar in everything, but I’d never stopped to really think about where or how much I should or shouldn’t consume in a day.  In prepping for the detox, I read that Prego Sauce has the same amount of sugar as two Oreo cookies.   Based on both their websites today, Prego actually has a bit more than two Oreos (a serving of Prego: 10-grams of sugar, a serving of Oreos (which is three cookies) 14-grams of sugar).  Just two cookies and you’re actually getting a little less sugar than if you have the sauce.  This surprised me, and I was annoyed.  I don’t even eat Prego, but the idea that all sorts of food are adding unnecessary sugar annoyed me.  I make a delicious spaghetti sauce without any sugar.  I don’t want […]

Just a Spoonful of Sugar2017-12-29T21:52:41-05:00
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