Shampoo Update
If you have been reading my blog for years, you may recall that in October 2008 I stopped using shampoo and started washing my hair with baking soda instead. Well I thought it only fair to mention that about a month ago I started using shampoo again.
I didn’t really miss the suds, but I found that my hair seemed pretty dry and brittle all of a sudden. Until mid Decemeber, I was really happy with how my hair looked. At first when I stopped using shampoo, I thought my hair actually looked nicer, but all of a sudden my locks stopped seeming happy on their baking soda diet. In the past I used to occasionally change shampoos because I felt like my hair got used to a particular shampoo and then didn’t look as good. I feel like that is the case now, except my hair is also really dry.
My favorite thing about using shampoo again: having so many wonderful smelling scents to pick from! And, in one month, my hair does […]