Mindful Eating February

We pick February for our Mindful Eating Challenge because it’s the shortest month of the year.  We are not ashamed to admit it.  Dry January.  Veganuary (being vegan for the month of January).  They got it all wrong with a month with 31 days when they could pick a month with 29.

Food challenges are hard.  At Personal Euphoria, we are all about fitness, not typically food.  But what we put in our bodies matters.  It impacts how we feel.  It is helpful to take a window of time and try to consider food.  Food fuels us and when we exercise how we refuel matters.  Sometimes, once I get started, I actually continue for more than 29 days.

Here’s the challenge if you choose to accept it:

You pick any food-related challenge you want—big or small.  I usually give up sugar.  I still eat fruit and a piece of toast if it has sugar.  But I cut out all desserts and snacks with processed sugar.  Sometimes I make an exception with honey.  I am a beekeeper, after all.

You don’t have to give up sugar.  Here are examples of ways others have participated before:

  • Give […]
Mindful Eating February2025-01-21T18:02:34-05:00

Mindful Eating February

We pick February for our Mindful Eating Challenge because it’s the shortest month of the year.  We are not ashamed to admit it.  Dry January.  Veganuary (being vegan for the month of January).  They got it all wrong with a month with 31 days when they could pick a month with 29.

Food challenges are hard.  At Personal Euphoria, we are all about fitness, not typically food.  But what we put in our bodies matters.  It impacts how we feel.  It is helpful to take a window of time and try to consider food.  Food fuels us and when we exercise how we refuel matters.  Sometimes, once I get started, I actually continue for more than 29 days.

Here’s the challenge if you choose to accept it:

You pick any food-related challenge you want—big or small.  I usually give up sugar.  I still eat fruit and a piece of toast if it has sugar.  But I cut out all desserts and snacks with processed sugar.  Sometimes I make an exception with honey.  I am a beekeeper, after all.

You don’t have to give up sugar.  Here are examples of ways others have participated before:

  • Give […]
Mindful Eating February2024-01-19T12:48:34-05:00
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