Guinea Pigs Do Pilates

Well I’ve been fascinated and sucked in by a lot of different research and statistics, but this new trend is one of the most unique. Check out this article by Pilates Pro about the benefits of pilates for guinea pigs. It sort of made me regret having tried guinea pig on my trip to Peru.
Guinea Pigs Do Pilates2017-09-12T19:31:56-04:00

Amazon Appreciation

In Peru, I stayed at a lodge on the Yarapa River in the Amazon Basin. We traveled everywhere by boat and saw small villages of approximately 100 people. Seeing the way some of the people lived made me both jealous of the simplicity of their life and so grateful for the technology and convenience life in the United State provides (which while making life easier, often makes it far less simple).

Everyday I watched women washing clothes by hand, one garment at a time, in the river. Instead of mowing the lawn, men cut the grass with machetes. Road workers swept up debris with a straw broom. At night, I checked my bed for scorpions and tarantulas and before putting on a pair of shoes I turned them upside down and banged on them.

I can’t help but wonder, would you rather have a simple life or an easy life?
Amazon Appreciation2017-10-25T14:26:05-04:00

Travel and Exercise

This time of year a lot of us will take long car, train or plane rides. When you travel you don’t have to forgo exercise. You can stretch in the airport or at the gas station. Stop along the way to take a short stroll and see what you’ve been passing by at 65-miles-per-hour.

Before I left Peru, lots of people asked if I would do Pilates and keep my core engaged while traveling. “Of course,” I told them. And I usually do. Unfortunately, in Peru I often found myself sick from the altitude, motion, or food. The last thing I was thinking about was whether or not my core was engaged. Sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way we planned, in which case, we have to try not to get too discouraged.

I will say, though, that for a 10 hour car ride, I was very grateful for a strong kegel. I guess I wasn’t completely disengaged.
The picture above is of the plane we took to see the Nasca Lines. It […]
Travel and Exercise2017-10-25T14:24:26-04:00
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