Walking on Fire


The fire ablaze. The fire ablaze.

Why did I want to do a firewalk?  That was the question everyone asked me when I mentioned I was doing one.  I still don’t know the answer.  Curiosity.  An interesting experience.  To know what it feels like.  Conquer fear.  Know that I can do it.  To see how my nervous system responds.  Those were all a piece of what intrigued me, but when I tested those answers on different people none seemed to satisfy anyone. 

I don’t have an answer.  What makes anyone want to do anything?  I don’t want to bungee jump or cliff jump even though that might help me get over my fear of heights and would be an adventure. I’m not a thrill seeker.  Firewalking isn’t like a rollercoaster ride.  I don’t want to do an ultra-run, but I can understand why someone would feel compelled to run in an extreme environment for days.  I hadn’t thought about the why at first because I naively assumed everyone wanted to firewalk.  As it turns out most people don’t.  I told

Walking on Fire2018-05-09T18:07:11-04:00

When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters

Your mindset can make all the difference as to whether or not you stick to a new plan. So let’s try to change some common misconceptions about moving.

  • I Don’t Have Time

This is never really true of anything. We have the time.  It’s about how we prioritize our time, and, in this case, whether we prioritize movementIf you get together with friends you could ask to go for a walk instead of meet up for food or coffee.  If you sit down in front of the couch you could get up and march in place.  On a phone call at work you could do some exercises.  But we often feel embarrassed to move in front of others.  Ignore them.  They aren’t moving.  And if they aren’t they don’t feel as good as you when you move.  Most likely they are just jealous that you don’t care.  And, you might even inspire someone else to move.  And, its highly possible they are so busy they aren’t noticing anyway.

1) As a side note, even if you think you don’t have time, you can tweak little things. Park far away at the mall, doctor’s office or work. Take stairs instead of the escalator […]

When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters2018-01-13T16:27:42-05:00

Eight, Easy Exercises Everyone Can Do

Everyone is always a strong statement.  There is always a reason someone shouldn’t do certain movements, but for the most part these moves are pretty safe. And what is better is they are good for  just about everyone.  If you aren’t typically very active, this is a good way to introduce movement.  If you are super active, this is a great way to make sure you focus on every part of your body in a gentle way to help recuperate for you next workout.  The body wants to move.  So here are eight exercises to incorporate throughout your day.  You can even get your coworkers doing them.  If they hurt anything, stop.  Try these every other day at least.  It shouldn’t even take ten minutes.

The order doesn’t matter, but remember START UPS!

Try them morning, noon and night.  Do them to your heart’s delight.  (Uh, oh, I’ve started rhyming…time to move so I stop yammering…)

Shoulder Lifts: Shoulders Up, Shoulders Down...OR...One Up/One Down Shoulders Up, Shoulders Down…OR…One Up/One Down


Sitting or standing with your arms long at your sides, slide your shoulders […]

Eight, Easy Exercises Everyone Can Do2017-12-29T21:47:56-05:00

Learn to Love Moving & Be A Part of the Movement Movement!

Your mindset can make all the difference as to whether or not you stick to a new plan.  So let’s try to change some common misconceptions about moving.  Let’s learn to love movement.

  • I Don’t Have Time

This is never really true of anything.  We have the time.  It’s about how we prioritize our time, and it this case whether we prioritize movement.  Most of us have the ability to reorganize our schedule.  If you get together with friends you could ask to go for a walk instead of meet up for food or coffee.  If you sit down in front of the couch you could get up and march in place.  When you pump gas you could do some exercises.  On a phone call at work you could do some exercises.  But we often feel embarrassed to move in front of others.  Screw them.  They aren’t moving.  And if they aren’t they don’t feel as good as you when you move.  Most likely they are just jealous that you don’t care.  And, you might even inspire someone else to move.

  1. As a side note, even if you think you don’t have time, you can tweak little things. Park far away […]
Learn to Love Moving & Be A Part of the Movement Movement!2018-01-13T16:39:42-05:00

Wiggle Your Tail Bone Because You Can

Did you know that you can move your tail bone just like you can move all your vertebra? At least you should be able to, but to feel it you may have to do a little digging.  The best place to try it is in the shower.  Next time you take a shower, find your tailbone with your finger.  You don’t actually have to go too deep into any crevices to find it.  When I was in China and getting a massage, the therapist rubbed my tailbone.  That was shocking and unwelcomed, but when you are searching for your own it’s not that invasive.

Once you find it, by engaging your pelvic floor (think do a Kegel) you should be able to feel it wiggle just a little bit. Think of the range of motion you can get from the first joint of your pointer finger.  It’s not a big movement, but you should feel something.

The tailbone is really the last bone of your spine. If something in the body is meant to have mobility, we want to keep it mobile.  Since everything is connected, if your pelvic floor is too tight or too slack that effects the positioning of the […]

Wiggle Your Tail Bone Because You Can2018-02-14T15:33:38-05:00
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