I made it a whole month. It went so fast I can’t believe it, and I’m not itching to use shampoo either. This is the week I was supposed to start the baking soda routine, but I think I’m going to hold off.

I actually kind of like going without shampoo. I think my hair looks and feels nicer. Trust me, I never expected I would be writing these words. I can’t believe it. It does take a little longer to maintain, and since I work out every day and sweat, it’s really hard to skip a day.

My hair is definitely a little greasier, but not to a level that is gross (I don’t think). Many of you see me weekly, so if you think I look unkempt you can know going without shampoo wouldn’t be an option for you. I plan to keep going without the stuff a little while longer. I’m going to play it by ear.

I’m not ready to give away my current shampoo bottle though–less for me and more for the benefit of house guests who might like to […]

No Poo IV–ONE MONTH2014-08-04T18:07:02-04:00

No Poo III

The hair definitely seems to be getting less greasy. It’s easier to pick through every day, and the curls are definitely holding better–as if I’m using gel. I have to say it feels pretty good. Although it still sort of had that “wet” look and I can sort of still feel some grease when I rub my fingers through it.

After three weeks, I certainly don’t feel embarrassed about it anymore. I don’t think anyone would look at me and wonder if I’m unclean. That’s a relief. And I must admit, my hair feels healthier. It could be mind over matter, except I didn’t expect to feel that way.

One more week. I guess we’ll wait and see how things go, but I’m not jumping up and down to use shampoo again the way I missed soap.

No Poo III2014-08-04T18:07:04-04:00

No Poo Update

It has officially been two weeks since I kicked the shampoo habit. Have you noticed? My hair has definitely been a little greasier, although I think it just appears wet–at least that is what I have been telling myself. It’s been hard getting used to because my mom didn’t raise me to be unclean.

But it’s not unclean. I still rinse it every day and one week in I started to feel so awkward about how greasy it was that I started using a face cloth to help spread the grease. My original goal was to do nothing for one month, try the face cloth for a couple weeks, and then try washing it with baking soda for a couple weeks. Based on everything I’ve read, those the the three options for shampoo-less haircare maintenance. Currently, the face cloth part got bumped up and my goal is to go one month like this and then try baking soda for one week.

I must admit, this weekend I started to feel better about my hair. The grease, which I think the face cloth is spreading, which means it looks less greasy overall, acts like a gel […]

No Poo Update2014-08-04T18:07:04-04:00

No Poo (Shampoo That Is)

You may or may not have heard of a new trend not to use shampoo.  For those of you who have taken Pilates with me for a while or who regularly read this blog, you know that a few months ago, inspired by Joseph Pilates, I went one month without using soap.  I don’t know Joseph Pilates’ opinion on shampoo, but I assume he might have agreed with the no-poo trend.

I’ve been wanting to try is, but I’m quite nervous given that I have a lot of curly hair (see my blog picture if you doubt me).  I really don’t like when my hair gets the least bit oily or greasy and even though everyone says your body will find a proper balance, I find it hard to believe. 
I have not yet taken the no-poo challenge, but I know people who have.  My boyfriend, Matt, has not used shampoo in months.  You’d never know it.  His hair is nice.  It’s not greasy.  The first week he stopped using (as if shampoo is addictive) his hair was a little greasy, but his scalp quickly found an appropriate balance.  All he does is rinse his hair every day […]
No Poo (Shampoo That Is)2017-09-12T19:32:46-04:00
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