Labyrinth Can’t Help Me Meditate

I meant to post this video a few weeks ago. A friend took it when we were in Seattle. It’s nothing outstanding, just me being silly. You can’t hear what I say, but I believe I say something like, “This must be the fun forest,” in an oddly excited tone. We’d seen a sign for the “fun forest.” I never found out what that is, but in the bliss of racing around the labyrinth, I was pretty sure I had landed in the center of the fun forest.

The video reveals my inability to meditate. I’m pretty sure these labyrinths are designed for a meditative walk. I started slow and methodical, but just couldn’t continue like that. And I’m pretty sure I had more fun doing it my way.

I still haven’t started my quest to try mediation every day. Anyone have any helpful hints that will give me a real desire to try it?

Labyrinth Can’t Help Me Meditate2017-09-12T19:31:56-04:00

Halloween Fun Comes Cheap

This weekend was a perfect fall weekend and Matt and I took full advantage. We bought some pumpkins and carved them. I’ve done pumpkins since I was a kid, but I certainly don’t do them every year, which is too bad because it was so much fun.

Plus, now that our jack o’ lanterns are hanging out on our front step, the house looks a little more alive, and I feel a little more in the spirit of a Halloween. Whatever we do that brings us joy is good for the mind and body. So if you’d enjoy carving pumpkins this year, I really recommend trying to make time for it. Not to mention, it’s such cheap fun. We got three perfect pumpkins at Bob’s on the Berlin Turnpike in Wethersfield for $18.

Now, if only I can figure […]
Halloween Fun Comes Cheap2017-09-12T19:32:06-04:00

Officially Retired

My mom is officially retired. I say officially because she spent the past 30+ years teaching English (mostly to eighth graders in Griswold, Connecticut). It’s being a teacher that makes it hard to determine her “official” retirement date.

First she was officially retired at the end of last school year, but since she typically has the summer off from school that didn’t really count or feel any different. Then there was the official retirement when her former colleagues had to start meeting informally again for the school year. Then her former colleagues went back to work and then the students returned from summer vacation. That is the day my mom sat outside in the driveway in a lawn chair with a sign that said: “Just Retired.” I cannot think of another official date that may come up that will finalize her retirement more that the kids going back to school.

So now it is just time to enjoy. To my mom (and anyone else who has happened to retire recently). Do enjoy it. Life is short; you’ve […]
Officially Retired2017-09-12T19:32:09-04:00

Maggie on the Mountain

Nearly every Labor Day weekend, I try and get up to NH to hike in the White Mountains. For years I went up Mt. Washington, which I still enjoy, but I got sick of hiking to the top and needing to cross a parking lot before reaching the summit.

So last year, instead of just a day hike, I started backpacking different peaks in the area. A friend from high school showed us the ropes to backpacking and he had us hooked immediately. This year Matt and my sister Kate and I went north of Mt. Washington to hike Mt. Adams and Mt. Madison. Hurricane Earl gave us a wet night at the campground prior to hiking, but we were all good sports about it. Especially my sister whose tent was flooded by 1am forcing her to sleep in the car.

Though rain had been predicted for the whole weekend in New Hampshire, we […]
Maggie on the Mountain2017-09-12T19:32:10-04:00

Happy Labor Day

Have a great day! Enjoy the day off, if you have it! Make the most of it and remember life is short!

Group of friends walking through stream

Happy Labor Day2017-09-12T19:32:10-04:00
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