The Diary-Free Saga

Gluten has been out of my life for nearly three and a half years, but who’s counting. So it was a sad day when I got some allergy testing back for IgG and IgA antibodies and the results suggested an allergy to dairy and mushrooms. I agreed to give up both in addition to the gluten for three months. I still have high hopes of cheese, milk and ice cream in my future.

Some days are worse than others, but really it’s not as awful as I imagined. The first two weeks were really tough, and I felt awful. So bad that I tried to convince myself that I must actually really need dairy and my body was dying without it—only slightly dramatic. But I held strong, and I do feel better this week.

It helps to have Divine Treasures in Manchester. In addition to my favorite chocolate (which is all gluten and dairy free) they also make gluten-free, dairy-free pizzas and cheese. The pizzas are good.  They also have d-free, g-free ice cream!   And I’ve started to notice there are places I don’t miss it. For example I often have a fried egg for breakfast. I used to always put […]

The Diary-Free Saga2015-07-22T10:38:43-04:00

No Processed Foods for the Month of May: Who’s With Me?

This is my great-grandma.  She ate dessert and chicken fat, but she cooked it herself.  So you could make a pie in May as long as you make it from scratch! This is my great-grandma. She ate dessert and chicken fat, but she cooked it herself. So you could make a pie in May as long as you make it from scratch!

As many of you know I occasionally do food challenges for my own anecdotal experimentation.  I’ve tried being vegan, eating raw, no sugar.  None of them have stuck, and I normally do this challenge in February because it’s the shortest month of the year.

This May I’ll be trying to do no processed foods.  Want to join in the fun?  It’s one month, how bad can it be?  Here are the ground rules:

1) Because it’s a long month you get to pick any two days and take them off

2) Wine and cheese are a-okay (I tried Vegan and don’t need to do it again.)

  • 3) Otherwise follow this simple rule: if it has more than one ingredient, it’s out
  • 4) Basically nothing that comes in a box
  • 5) You can make anything […]
No Processed Foods for the Month of May: Who’s With Me?2017-09-12T19:31:12-04:00


I have a friend who often tells me that my blogs or Facebook posts motivate her to be healthier or to get to the gym.  That makes me happy.  In my career, getting to hear that you motivate people is some of the best news you can get.

But it’s important to know that everyone I work with motivates me too. 

On a very obvious level, as a Pilates instructor I generally think it’s important to stay healthy and active in order to physically be able to do my job and to stay fit.  But when I have a client trying a new activity for the first time, they remind me everything there is to try and experience out there.  When I have a client who eats healthier than I do (which is probably many), I feel like I should be more like them.  They set a good example for me.  When a client has been struggling with an exercise for a long time and they finally get […]
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