Another Pilates Video–Head Wrestling

I love that they spent time doing this. Check out Joe Pilates’ (he is the shorter guy) shoes–not too shabby. This video shows head wrestling, arm wrestling, and pole wrestling–three past times I was not familiar with.

Another Pilates Video–Head Wrestling2017-09-12T19:32:35-04:00

Pilates Video

Check out this video on YouTube of Joseph Pilates doing some of the original exercises. You’ve got the love the saw! But watching him do the roll over and roll up is pretty amazing. Her really does have control and grace. From this link on YouTube you’ll be able to find other videos of Joesph doing the exercises.

Pilates Video2017-09-12T19:32:36-04:00

It’s Electric

Whether is all the lightening storms we’ve had in New England this year or a great summer fireworks show (which isn’t electric, but has quite a spark, or at least a sparkle), let that energy transfer into your workout.

When you’re feeling sluggish and can’t get up off the couch or feel like you’re moving really slow, think of things like lightening and fireworks that have lots of energy and get yourself energized.
It’s Electric2017-09-12T19:32:36-04:00

Stand & Sit for the Pelvic Floor

There are lots of people, especially women (and women who have had babies), who struggle to engage their pelvic floor. It can be hard to find and it’s not a muscle we’re taught about in school like our abs or biceps.

The muscles that make up your kegel (or pelvic floor) muscles connect to the base of your pelvis. They tie the tailbone, the public bone, the sits bones (those protruding bumps your feel in your buttocks when you sit down) together.

This is one of the best exercises I have found to start to feel and be able to understand where the pelvic floor is located. And it’s really easy to try.


Sit in a chair with your feet hip distance apart.
Stand up slowly.
Sit down slowly.

As you stand up, especially at the last moment when you are finally fully erect, notice how your sits bones come closer together. As you sit and your buttocks moves closer to the chair notice how they spread. It’s not a huge range of motion. If you can’t feel the difference in your body start by touching your sits bones with your hands and […]

Stand & Sit for the Pelvic Floor2017-10-25T15:49:58-04:00
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