Jack Lalanne’s Inspiration

Jack Lalanne was an inspirational person. He reminded me of Joesph Pilates in his intense passion for fitness and trying to help and inspire others to a healthier lifestyle. I really hope that when I’m in my eighties and nineties, I’m as active and healthy as they both were.

I imagine that is something we all hope for, but health in our senior years has to start now. It seems so worth it. I think everyone who chooses a career in fitness on some level really wants to inspire others to be healthy too. But everyone is inspired in different ways.

I’m inspired by being able to be active, hiking a mountain like Mt. Washington, being involved in team sports, feeling good, looking good, being outdoors, competition, having fun while working out, and the calm I find exercise provides me. I’m inspired by watching someone really passionate like the video of Lalanne in the above link or reading Joe Pilates. The picture above even inspires me, but probably only becaue I know who Jack Lalanne […]
Jack Lalanne’s Inspiration2017-10-25T14:30:12-04:00

Is Food A Treat?

I guess what I really want to ask is SHOULD food be a treat? Since I’ve been trying to get in the best shape of my life, I’ve noticed that I will think thoughts like, I just shoveled the driveway now I deserve some hot chocolate, or It’s been a busy week, I deserve some dark chocolate, or, I didn’t workout today so I don’t deserve dessert.

I’m struck by the word “deserve” as opposed to want, crave, need, etc. And while I’m sure I’ve spent a lifetime thinking this, I never really noticed or thought about it. On the surface it seems like a bad way to think about food, but is it? Am I the only one who thinks this way? And after shoveling the driveway, don’t I deserve some hot chocolate?
Is Food A Treat?2017-09-12T19:31:58-04:00

Real Inspiration

Yesterday while driving home from the gym I heard and ad on the radio that frustrated me. It was targeting women and trying to sell some kind of weight loss pill. It announced that scientists have said that women over 40 need to workout one hour a day just to maintain their weight, not even lose weight, so obviously everyone should start popping their pills to get skinnier.

It annoyed me that it was targeting women. It annoyed me that it was targeting women over 40. It annoyed me that is was claiming to have an easy fix to weight loss. It annoyed me that it was using what we know about the body against us.

I wished that there were ads that highlighted and inspired people via real life stories of individuals—men and women of all ages—who used diet and exercise to change their weight if needed. I thought of a very close family friend who in her mid fifties lost 50 pounds using weight watchers as a tool. She looks fabulous. I’d argue that she actually looks 30. It’s amazing. Another family friend lost weight by adding a morning exercise routine. Both of these women have […]

Real Inspiration2017-10-25T14:30:13-04:00

Is Shoveling a Workout?

Once upon a time I would never have substituted shoveling for a workout. I would never have substituted anything for my workout. If I was going to go hiking (unless of course it was a full day hike like Mt. Washington leaving no time to add and extra workout) for a few hours, I would still go for a run or a swim or weight lift. If I had to shovel or really thoroughly clean a house for hours, I would never have allowed it to replace my workout.

Now I seem totally willing to let daily activities take the place of my workout. Well, at least a little. I suppose I wouldn’t be writing this if I felt it truly replaced my workout.

It isn’t just that I feel like shoveling 20-inches of snow, for example, has suddenly become a good, challenging workout, it’s that there are only so many hours in a day. If I have to shovel our driveway, walkways, and sidewalk, I usually don’t have time for my regular workout routine too. […]

Is Shoveling a Workout?2017-09-12T19:32:01-04:00

Chocolate Milk

This, perhaps sadly, is some of the best news I’ve read all day–or at least a little exciting.

16 ounces of fat-free chocolate milk within two hours post exercise helps repair muscles better than sports drinks. –Research from American College of Sports Medicine

I’m not going to start chugging chocolate milk now, but I kind of like know that if I do there might be a benefit.

Chocolate Milk2014-08-04T18:02:55-04:00
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