Come Watch Dragon Boat

NEW YORK, August 8, 2010 A dragon boat competes during the 20th annual Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival on Meadows Lake in the Flushing Meadows Corona Park, New York, the United States, on August 7, 2010.

Okay, this Saturday is my first ever dragon boat race. I’m excited and nervous (but mostly excited). I can’t wait!! Come out and see us race and enjoy the rest of the Asian Festival. I’m not sure what time my boat is racing, but our name is Splashing Tigers Soaking Dragons. I’m sure I’ll have more blog stories about the race soon!!!

Come Watch Dragon Boat2017-09-12T19:32:11-04:00

Don’t Think So Hard

When people start Pilates, the exercises can be really challenging. There is a lot to think about–you need to engage your abs and your Kegel while your arms move one way and your legs move another, and you’re supposed to be breathing in a controlled fashion the whole time!

It doesn’t all come at once and sometimes you have to let go and just feel the movement instead of thinking about it so hard. There is a fine balance. You need to focus without over thinking.

Since it has been a while since I was new to Pilates, I’ve been rediscovering this with the Dragon Boat–the paddling team in Hartford that I joined this June. There are so many things to remember, and if I start to focus on any of them, I lose time. But if I let my mind wander completely, I find I’m in the wrong position and out of time. To all movement there is a rhythm and the body needs to be allowed to find it.


Don’t Think So Hard2017-10-25T15:49:57-04:00


Participants compete in a dragon boat race to mark the Dragon Boat Festival in Bitan, Xindian, Taipei County June 16, 2010. The festival commemorates the death of Chinese patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in 277 B.C. on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month to protest against the corrupt government of his time. REUTERS/Nicky Loh (TAIWAN - Tags: SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY)

I am one of those people that likes to feel sore after a workout. I’ve read the research and I know that you don’t have to feel sore to have gotten a good workout–and I believe that. Still, I actually enjoy the feeling of my muscles aching (a little) when I move.

Since I joined a Dragon Boat team in Hartford, Connecticut, I’m getting plenty sore. I’m using muscles I’ve always used, but in a totally different way. It would be easier for me to list what doesn’t hurt in my body (my toes), but I’m so impressed by feeling every muscle that I’m […]


Dragon Boat Obsessed

So, is it sad that on Thursdays at 7:30am I’m totally bummed that I have to wait five whole days until I get to go on the Dragon Boat again? Tuesdays aren’t as hard as Thursdays–it’s just two whole days that separate practice, but from Thursday morning to Tuesday morning seems like an eternity!

Luckily it’s the weekend.

I guess I should be grateful. What I’ve learned from paddling so far is that I’m a lot more sore on Thursdays than I am on Tuesdays. It’s a reminder that sometimes a little rest for exhausted muscles is a good thing.

Paddling is so much fun and the team is great. If you’re interested, I can’t recommend it enough.

Dragon Boat Obsessed2014-08-04T18:04:19-04:00

Dragon Boat

Crews Participate In The Thames Annual Great River Race

On Tuesday I joined a Dragon Boat team in Hartford. You can visit the team’s site on Facebook, if you’re interested. Over the past few years I’ve had two clients recommend joining a Dragon Boat team. It actually fits into my schedule since I’m an early riser, and since I teach in the evenings I can’t join most team sports.

And quite frankly lately I’ve been really missing being part of a team. When I was in college I played field hockey and did theater. In both there is a team and a group of people working together to achieve the same goal. I miss that. Plus, it’s a fun excuse to get a workout with a group of people.

So Tuesday, I set the alarm clock a little earlier (we meet at 6:30am–really, not that bad) and went to my first practice. Now, I had no clue what I was getting into and I wasn’t that good. I couldn’t even keep time with the rest of the boat, let alone do the exercises properly. Being a […]

Dragon Boat2017-09-12T19:32:14-04:00
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