Warrior Dash Prep

Okay—so I’m supposed to run the Warrior Dash in Pennsylvania tomorrow. It is my second physical challenge of my 30th year. And here is what I’ve done to prepare for it:

That empty space about sums it up: a whole lot of nothing. I didn’t prepare for the Ragnar Relay as well as I wanted either, but I thought lesson learned; I’ll do better next time. It wasn’t entirely my fault since I got sick, but I hadn’t even looked through the course. Then a friend said to me, “You do know you have to run through fire, don’t you?”

“Um, no,” was my response. I looked at the course and it appears that I will actually be trying to leap over fire, which I think I’ll be able to do fairly well. So I’m a little less concerned. Plus I’ll have shoes on, so it should be as bad as it sounds.

Point is, I’m going to have to double time it for challenge there in order to make up for one and two. My challenge idea is still cool, but right now it isn’t serving its original purpose.

Warrior Dash Prep2014-08-04T18:02:46-04:00

Healthy Challenge vs. Pharyngitis

Am I on a healthy challenge? You could have fooled me. Technically this challenge is from March 27, 2011 to March 26, 2012 (based on my birthday instead of the year). I’d be doing great if it weren’t for a stupid problem called pharyngitis. (It shouldn’t exist, spell check doesn’t know what it is and no one has ever heard of it.)

I got pharyngitis on April 2nd, again on May 13, and again on May 27th. This has been conflicting with my workouts, by which I mean I really haven’t been working out that much at all. Last week I went an entire week without one workout (except a 10-minute pilates class I put myself through). Sometimes the body needs that, but I’m getting a little stir crazy. My next challenge, the Warrior Dash, is coming up in a week and I haven’t trained at all.

Ugh—the best laid plans, I guess. In truth, feeling crummy will only make me appreciate feeling good when I’m back to normal.

Healthy Challenge vs. Pharyngitis2014-08-04T18:02:46-04:00


I’m still riding high as a kite from the Ragnar Relay. It makes me feel like these four physical challenges were a good idea this year. Although, I must say, I’m not sure the rest of them will sustain me with energy this long.

What I didn’t expect from my challenges is the feeling of pride that comes with completely something difficult. I was doing it to get into better shape and get healthier, both important, but the sense of accomplishment is really worth a whole lot more to me.

I recommend picking a challenge that would suit your fitness goals just for that feeling.


My Challenges are Going to be a Challenge

So the point of the four challenges I wanted to do this year was to help get myself in the best shape of my life. But here’s the thing: if I don’t actually train for the challenges than I’m just doing a random challenge without getting in better shape. While every activity I picked seems fun to me, I want more out of it.

The Ragnar Relay that I am running is less than three weeks away and while I delayed because winter lingered, and spring was so rainy, I now have no excuse. I’ve got to get back on track. Before the race, to prepare I want to have run at least 3.6 miles one morning, 3.6 miles the same night, and 3.6 miles the following morning. This is less than I will have to run on race day, but it is a similar format. So if you see me in class or on Facebook, feel free to ask me if I’m on track with this goal yet.

I don’t know when I’m going to do it!

My Challenges are Going to be a Challenge2014-08-04T18:02:48-04:00


I honestly can’t remember if I already announced my four challenges of the year. In case you haven’t seen some earlier posts, I’m challenging myself to get in the best shape of my life this year and part of that challenge it to participate in four (ideally one per season) physical challenges throughout the year that I’ve never done before.

I’ve decided that the year is March 27, 2011-March 26, 2012.

Here is what I’ve decided to do:

1) The Warrior Dash—a 3.5 mile run with an obstacle course.

2) The Ragnar Relay—a relay race done with a 12 person team from New Haven to Boston. Over the course of a 36-hour period I’ll run about 12 miles. (Some people on our team will run 20 miles, and I am grateful that they wanted to take the longer legs.)

3) Hike the Grand Canyon—this is pending a permit that I really hope I can get.

4) Participate in Cross Country Ski Race—I’m thinking of the one held at the Von Trapp […]
MY FOUR CHALLENGES!!!2017-09-12T19:31:56-04:00
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