Wednesday Challenge: Effective Pilates

According to an article in Health Magazine, research has shown that Pilates exercise are more effective than crunches.

So this week everyday or every other day, practice the following four exercises:

  • The Roll Up
  • The Teaser
  • Obliques (Sometimes called Criss-Cross)
  • The One Hundred
Wednesday Challenge: Effective Pilates2014-08-04T18:02:57-04:00

Wednesday Challenge: 30 Minutes

Okay, it’s Thanksgiving week. We all know we’re about to consume more than usual, so let’s combat that with a little extra exercise. It will help keep the pounds off and the stress at bay. So here in the challenge:

Starting today for seven days straight do at least 30-minutes of exercise. Any exercise of your choice, but get that body moving. If you want a harder challenge, consider adding 30-minutes a day to your regular routine.

Wednesday Challenge: 30 Minutes2014-08-04T18:02:58-04:00

Wednesday Challenge: Only Stairs

For one week only take the stairs–no elevators, no escalators. This may mean you have to walk a little further in a building to get to the stairs, but it will be worth it. Maybe by the end of the week you’ll want to take the stairs forever.

Do you work in an office building with some stairs? On your lunch break walk up a few flights–maybe five, maybe ten, maybe fifty. Listen to your body.

Have stairs in your house? At least one day a week make a point to go up and down them (carefully) five, ten, or fifty times.

Make notice of how many times you typically go up and down the stairs in your house.

Wednesday Challenge: Only Stairs2014-08-04T18:02:58-04:00

Challenge 43: Tell Them You Love Them

Today is Matt’s and my nine year anniversary, and I’m still lucky to be completely infatuated with him. I tell him I love him everyday, and it’s always nice to hear. So today, write a note to someone you love (a friend, a spouse, a parent, a child, a cousin) and tell them why you love them. It will make you and the person you write feel good. Do it now.

(And if you have the time, pick a different person and write them every day this week.)

Here are just some of the reasons I love Matt:
  • He makes me laugh
  • When I need help he’s always there
  • Waking up next to him always makes me smile
  • He smells good (and doesn’t use any cologne or other products)
  • He loves to walk
  • He listens
  • He’ll dance with me
  • He’s smart (and I’m proud of all his accomplishments)
  • He never sweats the small stuff
  • Family is important to him
  • He helped me make a lamp and encourages me
  • He’s a good friend

Okay, I’m realizing I could continue with this fairly easily. But the challenge worked. I’m already smiling and happy […]

Challenge 43: Tell Them You Love Them2017-09-12T19:32:05-04:00

Wednesday Challenge

Challenge your body and your mind. Can you remember 35 different Pilates exercises? Test your memory by trying to do at least 5 different Pilates exercises every day this week. Can’t remember 35? Do the same five each day every day this week without skipping a day. Do you feel any better by adding that onto your schedule? It doesn’t take more than five minutes per day.

Let us know how many you came up with.

Wednesday Challenge2017-09-12T19:32:06-04:00
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