Sigh of Relief

This morning I had to have blood drawn. I don’t enjoy this process.  I went to the normal lab I love, but the woman I know and like wasn’t there.  It was 7:30am.  I’d been fasting so in my rule book I had reason to be crabby, but I wasn’t.  This new woman behind the counter was.  She took my paperwork and sighed with utter exasperation, as if my passing her the paper was putting her over the edge.

“Sorry, it’s been a long day, “she said.  I replied, “It’s rough when it’s long before 9am.”  But I really didn’t mind.  It was unprofessional, but I appreciate people have bad days and it’s not the end of the world.  I’m also really into breathing, and I know that sigh when you let all the air out audibly is good.  So I naively presume she’s feeling better.  She had a good sigh.  The world must be back to normal.

Nope.  She continues sighing as she fills out my forms.  I hope with each sigh that before she gets in the back room with me and a needle she’ll let out all her frustration.

She calls me into the room.  And I give my usual […]

Sigh of Relief2017-09-12T19:31:14-04:00

Take Breathing for Granted? Not Anymore. Layrngospams Make Me LOVE Breathing

I love being able to breathe. Now you’re thinking “Thank you, Captain Obvious.”  But it isn’t obvious.  Most of the time I don’t notice I’m breathing.  I take oxygen completely for granted.   And anyone who exercises knows it’s really easy to hold your breath.  We hold our breath when we learn something new or do anything challenging.  It’s like we can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.  Focused breathing is hard.  But breathing should generally be automatic.

The reason I’ve really appreciate breathing lately is because I started having layrngospasms. What’s that?  It’s when your vocal cords slam shut and you can’t breathe.  Much like when food or water goes down the wrong pipe, except you aren’t eating or drinking.  Most of the time you wake up from a dead sleep and (as I learned yesterday at my ENT) it’s caused from acid reflux splashing against the larynx—a normal occurrence that is currently really irking my vocal cords.  For most people, most of the time the larynx is a little more chill about acid reflux.

It’s terrifying. It sounds like I’m retching or like I’m a cat coughing up a fur ball, but there is no fur ball.  This is […]

Take Breathing for Granted? Not Anymore. Layrngospams Make Me LOVE Breathing2014-11-05T15:23:03-05:00

Cold Shower in Review

Okay—so maybe I’m not so good at sticking to my own challenges. There were a few days where I just totally skipped on the cold shower.

That being said, there is something I like about the frigid water after I’ve gone for a run. I think it helps cool me off. If you’ve ever seen me after running, my face is bright red and hot. It will stay that way and you can even sometimes see the red drain from my face over the next hour. The cold shower helps speed that process up.

Every day that I took a cold shower I liked the way it felt on my face. I recommend hitting your face with cold water near the end of your shower. I still don’t like the way it feels on the front of my body. It makes me think of everything I’ve learned about the body—how the front line is the protector—we […]
Cold Shower in Review2017-09-12T19:31:32-04:00

Two-Minute Meditation

Recently in my struggle to meditate, a client suggested that I try linking meditation with something I do every day like putting my shoes. That seemed like a brilliant idea, but the problem sort of was I don’t really want to meditate. I’m not motivated to do it. Her suggestion was that I try for five minutes. I suggested two minutes.

Honestly, I don’t think I really thought I would do it, but I surprised myself. Two days later I put on one shoe, remembered this should be a reminder to meditate, and so with one shoe on I sat down and began to breath and repeat two words over and over. When I opened my eyes, I had barely lasted two minutes. But I’d done it.

Five minutes later I tried again, frustrated that two minutes could seem so long. This time I focused more on breathing and lasted two-minutes, fifteen seconds. Hey it’s a start, right?

Although, I have to admit, the next day I forgot to do it entirely.

Two-Minute Meditation2017-09-12T19:31:39-04:00
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