Valentine’s Day Gift for YOU!
Give yourself a V-Day gift this year. Choose one way you are going to be healthier. It’s the best way to love yourself, and, ultimately, the best way to love someone else. I’m on a mission this year to get in the best shape of my life. I’m not sure how well it’s going, but here are some tips for all of us:
- Trade sugary beverages for water or unsweetened herbal tea
- Limit processed foods
- Try to get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day
- Start a calorie journal
- Sign up for a race or walk to motivate you to get in better shape
- Join a fitness class with friends
- Give up dessert for the rest of the month
Real Inspiration
Yesterday while driving home from the gym I heard and ad on the radio that frustrated me. It was targeting women and trying to sell some kind of weight loss pill. It announced that scientists have said that women over 40 need to workout one hour a day just to maintain their weight, not even lose weight, so obviously everyone should start popping their pills to get skinnier.
It annoyed me that it was targeting women. It annoyed me that it was targeting women over 40. It annoyed me that is was claiming to have an easy fix to weight loss. It annoyed me that it was using what we know about the body against us.
I wished that there were ads that highlighted and inspired people via real life stories of individuals—men and women of all ages—who used diet and exercise to change their weight if needed. I thought of a very close family friend who in her mid fifties lost 50 pounds using weight watchers as a tool. She looks fabulous. I’d argue that she actually looks 30. It’s amazing. Another family friend lost weight by adding a morning exercise routine. Both of these women have […]
Chocolate Milk
This, perhaps sadly, is some of the best news I’ve read all day–or at least a little exciting.
16 ounces of fat-free chocolate milk within two hours post exercise helps repair muscles better than sports drinks. –Research from American College of Sports Medicine
I’m not going to start chugging chocolate milk now, but I kind of like know that if I do there might be a benefit.