Our Erect Posture

Here’s something to consider…

By standing upright we put all our vital organs at more risk. They are more vulnerable. Quadrupeds protect their organs better just by not having them exposed to everything the world confronts us with.

Seems like a pretty good reason to strengthen the core. If nothing else it will provide more protection for all the valuables inside of you.

Our Erect Posture2014-08-04T18:05:13-04:00

February Factoid: Fibula

Did you know??

Your fibula (the bone next to your shin bone) only bears 10% of the body’s weight. This makes sense because it is the thinnest bone in proportion to its length.

Thinkstock Single Image Set

February Factoid: Fibula2017-09-12T19:35:27-04:00


The instructors as Personal Euphoria all enjoy movement and finding new ways to learn about our bodies. Last week we got together to try the Feldenkrais Method of Movement. Margo Henneback came to instruct us.

We had a wonderful time. Feldenkrais, from my understanding, is about body awareness and learning how it feels to move your body in different ways. We spent the majority of the workshop moving our pelvis in different directions (up and down, left and right, and circling).
The more I learn about the body, the more I come to find that there is no wrong or right way to move the body. It can and desires to move in all different ways. Trying different modalities helps you to discover ways your body likes to move. It is important to maintain mobility in whatever method your find that your body enjoys.

Black Friday

If you’re going to out shopping and waiting in lines today, don’t feel discouraged. Make good use of your time. Lift your kegel while in line. Engage your core–pull your belly button to your spine. Feel your abdominals engage all the way to your pubic bone. Stand tall with your shoulders back and down.

Black Friday2017-09-12T19:32:27-04:00

Ego & Movement

We are scared to move our bodies; scared to look stupid or silly. So we often hold our bodies in, limbs close to our sides, heads down facing the dirt. Our bodies were meant to move, meant to look silly, meant to squirm.

Think of a child who can’t sit still. We berate them, but they are just doing want the body wants to do: move, until for potentially beneficial reasons for society we drill the freedom, comfort, and ease of movement out of them.

We are all a little scared to move freely, but if we can release some of our ego, movement will become easier. We need to stop worrying about how we look and let the body move more like children.

Ego & Movement2017-10-25T15:49:42-04:00
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