Exercise After COVID
Note: this post was written April 2022 (info is changing quickly in COVID).
According to a health data scientist at the Indiana University School of Medicine, struggling to return to exercise is one of the biggest complaints of individuals with long covid along with brain fog and fatigue.
Exercising When Sick
As a general rule any time we exercise we need to listen to our body. This is even more true as you return to exercise after a bout of COVID. It’s important to listen to your body because no rule is steadfast or one size fits all. I have friends that, prior to COVID, swore that when they were sick exercise helped them get over illness. I’ve never found that to be true in my body. When I’m sick I need rest or I get worse—even for a minor head cold. So you need to know your body and what you need.
COVID aside, the general rule for exercising when sick has been if you feel illness in your head region, do what you can do. If you feel it in your chest take a break from exercise. Again, […]