Squats and Lunges safe for the knees!
A number of people are afraid to do lunges and squats because they think the moves are bad for their knees. If you have knee issues, you may need to modify, take precautions, or starts slow and small, but you don’t want to cut lunges and squats out of your exercise routine. We need to keep those muscles strong because we squat and lunge in many practical ways throughout the day.
You squat to get off the toilet, up from a chair, in and out of the car, to get down and up off the floor. And if you want to lift something heavy using your legs and not your back, you need to be able to do a deep squat (otherwise your back is still very involved).
So let’s talk about form so that we can do these moves safely:
Basic Squat:
- Legs hip distance apart. That might be closer than you think. It’s where your femurs (bones in your thighs) come into your pelvis, not where you’d put your hands on your hips.
- All ten toes pointing forward.
- Then crease at your hips, stick the butt out and let your torso hinge forward holding a neutral spine—trying not to […]