Move From Your Back

Your shoulders have a lot of little muscles that do a lot of work, but your back has larger muscles that help move the shoulder blades and the arms. When you move your arms think about the motion coming from the back muscles instead of putting all the pressure on the shoulders.

Try it.

Lie down on your stomach with your arms out to the side like you are making a “T.” Exhale and lift your arms slightly off the ground. Feel the motion come from the upper back between the shoulder blades. Keep the motion controlled. Don’t just flop your arms up and down; glide them up and down.

Move From Your Back2017-10-25T14:09:06-04:00

Stand & Sit for the Pelvic Floor

There are lots of people, especially women (and women who have had babies), who struggle to engage their pelvic floor. It can be hard to find and it’s not a muscle we’re taught about in school like our abs or biceps.

The muscles that make up your kegel (or pelvic floor) muscles connect to the base of your pelvis. They tie the tailbone, the public bone, the sits bones (those protruding bumps your feel in your buttocks when you sit down) together.

This is one of the best exercises I have found to start to feel and be able to understand where the pelvic floor is located. And it’s really easy to try.


Sit in a chair with your feet hip distance apart.
Stand up slowly.
Sit down slowly.

As you stand up, especially at the last moment when you are finally fully erect, notice how your sits bones come closer together. As you sit and your buttocks moves closer to the chair notice how they spread. It’s not a huge range of motion. If you can’t feel the difference in your body start by touching your sits bones with your hands and […]

Stand & Sit for the Pelvic Floor2017-10-25T15:49:58-04:00

Challenge you Brain & Your Body

Your brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked in order to stay sharp. Today try using your non-dominant hand to complete simple (or seemingly simple) tasks. Brush your teeth, use your mouse at work, pour your coffee, cut your food–try doing all of these jobs with the hand you are least comfortable using.

It will be exercise for your mind and body.

Challenge you Brain & Your Body2017-10-25T16:18:39-04:00

Muscles Move Bones

I have a kick boxing instructor that reminds us that our muscles move bones.  It should not be the other way around.  I think it is a very important reminder.  That means you want to strengthen your muscles and notice when your bones are overpowering your muscles.  When you hunch over in exhaustion or as you age, you are letting the bones win.  

The truth is, if you keep your muscles strong every part of your body wins.  Our bones and muscles should work together.
Muscles Move Bones2017-10-25T14:09:06-04:00

Joseph Pilates on Pilates

In his book Pilates’ Return to Life Through Contrology, Joseph Pilates explains his intentions behind his exercises and what he believes constitutes a healthy lifestyle. In one sections he specifically discusses exercises like the Full Roll Up, Teaser, and Rolling-Like-A-Ball. He refers the them as the “rolling” and “unrolling” exercises. He mentions that anytime we move from a seated to a lying position we should move ourselves using rolling movements, lifting of lowering one vertebra at a time.

Oh, and, of course, in the process of moving we should inhale and exhale to the full capacity of our lungs–not an easy task. But it should make you feel good that Joseph Pilates knew his exercises were no cake-walk. He wrote, “This admittedly requires persistence and earnest effort but it is worth it!”

And don’t all things that are worth it take some persistence and effort? The effects–an aligned spine, a strong yet flexible core, a full range of motion in the body, and the ability to fuel your body with oxygen–are all important tools Pilates requires us to stop and think about. It’s their importance that makes them worth a little […]

Joseph Pilates on Pilates2017-10-25T16:12:40-04:00
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