Ego & Movement
We are scared to move our bodies; scared to look stupid or silly. So we often hold our bodies in, limbs close to our sides, heads down facing the dirt. Our bodies were meant to move, meant to look silly, meant to squirm.
Think of a child who can’t sit still. We berate them, but they are just doing want the body wants to do: move, until for potentially beneficial reasons for society we drill the freedom, comfort, and ease of movement out of them.
We are all a little scared to move freely, but if we can release some of our ego, movement will become easier. We need to stop worrying about how we look and let the body move more like children.
Move & Hold Still
Think about moving and holding still the next time you do the following exercises:
The 100: You move your arms, but try not to move the rest of you body, espeically the rest of the upper body.
Leg Circles: You move your leg in the hip socket, but try not to let the opposite side of you pelvis lift.
Spinal Rotation: You twist at the spine without letting your hips move with you.
Can you think of another exercise in Pilates that requires you to move and hold still at the same time?
Ron Fletcher
Last weekend I had the honor to train under my third Pilates Elder: Ron Fletcher. I was one of thirty Pilates teachers participating in the workshop, and I was informed that this will probably be his final workshop that is open the the general Pilates public.