Movement Beats Polio

My Grandma inside the igloo! My Grandma inside the igloo!

My grandma contracted polio when she was nine. She was so sick her mother had to push her in a baby carriage to walk her to the hospital.  She was embarrassed and mad at her mom because she was nine and didn’t belong in a baby carriage.  No one else in the Waterbury area had been diagnosed with polio so at first the doctors didn’t know what was wrong.  Before long there was an entire ward of children with polio.

For six month, my grandma was strapped to a wooden plank to immobilize her. It was the early thirties.  The hospitals didn’t have air conditioning and she talks about how hot it could get in the room she shared with a group of polio-infected children.  Those that died were wheeled out.  One of her best memories from her time in the hospital was on summer Saturday nights when the nurses would wheel patients who were well enough out onto a patio for fresh air.  The nurses would turn on music and dance.

When it was time to go home the doctor told her mother […]

Movement Beats Polio2017-10-25T15:49:42-04:00

Running Goals: Are They Worth the Pain?

The folks who motivate me to keep running. The folks who motivate me to keep running.

Last week I went for a run with my iphone, a playlist and some earbuds. That probably doesn’t sound event worthy to most people, except that the last time I had music when running it came from a Walkman.

In college I used to run six miles a day and eight to twelve (usually eight) on the weekends. I preferred running alone and only occasionally ran with others.  Running companions were so rare that I remember every time I had a running buddy.  Originally, not a lover of running, taking on long distances happened by accident.  One day I went for a run with friends, fell behind (I’ve always been slow) and got lost.  I figured if I kept running it would all be over sooner.  In the end, I’d run six miles.  And once I realized that I could, I wanted to do it all the time.

Now, I rarely enjoy running alone. It’s too bad because I think I got a lot of ideas and worked out a number of problems in my head jogging by […]

Running Goals: Are They Worth the Pain?2017-10-25T15:49:49-04:00

What Am I Doing With My Abs in Pilates?

You may have heard a Pilates instructor say “Scoop the Abs” or “Draw the Belly Button to the Spine” or “Zip the Jeans” or “Engage the abs.” There are multiple ways to say it, but only one way to do it. It’s subtle and can be a challenge to figure out how to do properly. And, as if Pilates wasn’t complicated enough we have this thing called imprint vs. neutral, which is totally different.

If you aren’t sure what imprint and neutral are, check out this video to see the difference, but this blog is really about the fact that imprint and scooping the abs are two different things because people often think they are the same. And that misconception could make your back rather unhappy over time.

When you do pelvic tilts or rock from imprint to neutral your pelvis should move. When you zip the jeans, the pelvis shouldn’t move. Sometimes you Zip and Tuck, but you don’t always have to. It’s important to know that you can engage the abdominals without being imprinted. And that you don’t want to strive to be imprinted all day.

This video has some ways to practice the difference between engaging the abs and rocking […]

What Am I Doing With My Abs in Pilates?2017-10-25T14:17:26-04:00

I Tried A Chiropractor…And I Liked It

I went to the chiropractor for the first time. I’ve debated about going for years and since people always ask my opinion on chiropractors I thought it was something I should try. Although, I wouldn’t have tried it unmotivated.  Really, though, the tale is rather uneventful.

I went to Gina Carucci in Rocky Hill because she came recommended from multiple people, both clients and colleagues. What finally pushed me there was some remnants of chostocondritus (see earlier blog…I pretty much whined about it all winter). While I’d made huge progress with time, ice, anti-inflammitories, Pilates and massage, there was still a general mild ache that wouldn’t go away. It was an ache I could have lived my whole life with but didn’t want to.

I went. She made some adjustments and I found instant relief. Now I will say, one thing that actually encouraged me to try chiropractic was a great sports medicine doctor (Dr. Czarnecki in Glastonbury). He had done what I imagine is something like an adjustment to me before and I’ve also had instant relief.  Full disclosure:  I love being poked, prodded, pulled and moved around.

I’m not sure it’s so instant for everyone.  I think I was […]

I Tried A Chiropractor…And I Liked It2017-10-25T15:49:49-04:00
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