Client Corner: Pilates Powering Irish Step

Katie in her Feis dress. Katie in her Feis dress.

When Katie Dudley was five years old, her mother encouraged her to take Irish dance lessons, just as she and Katie’s grandmother had done. Initially, Katie was against the idea, until she began classes and fell in love.

When asked what finally drew her in, Katie mentioned, “There is so much I love about Irish step.  First of all, the counting can really help you with music and math.  It also improves your posture, stamina, and flexibility.  When you do Irish step dancing, your teacher can also introduce you to other styles of dance like tap, jazz, and ballet which also improve your technique.  You are also introduced to many new people and can make friendships that will last a lifetime.”

Katie’s passion for Irish Step also led her to Pilates. During a summer dance camp, which she’s attended for the past five years, Katie did Pilates for an hour each day. Recently, she began taking private lessons with Personal Euphoria in Wethersfield to continue to enhance her Irish Step.

Pilates focuses on lengthening the muscle while it is engaged and under load (eccentric contractions), which […]

Client Corner: Pilates Powering Irish Step2017-12-29T21:36:53-05:00

Ashtanga Yoga: More Like Pilates than I Expected

Slowly perfecting my headstand.  Slowly perfecting my headstand.

After agreeing to attend an Ashtanga yoga class for the first time, I recieved an email of the movements we’d be doing.  When the attachment opened, I started laughing.  Half the starting positions looked impossible.  I had visions of the teacher helping me into a headstand and walking away as I toppled over taking out the other participants in a domino effect.  Sometimes I worry when people presume I’ll be good or like a certain type of movement.  I think because I’m good at Pilates people think I’ll be good at yoga, kick-boxing—all of it, but I’m not.  When I was younger and was good at field hockey people presumed I’d be good at other sports, but I wasn’t.  It requires a lot of practice to get good at anything.

I went into the class with all sorts of preconceived notions and misconceptions. Chanting turns me off because I can’t carry a tune.  I’m worried about over-stretching, and I presumed the class would have a lot of over-stretching.  I was wrong.  The client who told me about the class mentioned that the instructor […]

Ashtanga Yoga: More Like Pilates than I Expected2017-12-29T21:37:10-05:00

Your Posture Matters More Than You Think

Posture:  1. A position of a person’s body when standing or sitting. 2. A particular way of dealing with or considering something, an approach or an attitude.

When talking about the body, we tend to discuss definition number one—the actual physical position of our body.  And while that’s important and does relate to our physical wellbeing, the second definition is directly linked to the first.  Think of mopey Eeyore.  He’s depressed and you can see it in his whole being.  His body sags.  His head slumps.  He’s miserable, and you can tell before he even opens his mouth.

Yet walk into an interview or any stressful situation after assuming a power pose (think Super Woman) and studies show you will have more confidence and perform better.  You can actually alter your hormones and the way you feel by changing your posture.  Next time you have a big event go into a bathroom stall (where no one can see you) and make yourself larger than life—pushing your hands up to the ceiling and puffing your chest out or stand tall and firm with your hands on your hips for two minutes.  Posture matters—for how your feel physically and emotionally.  It also matters for […]

Your Posture Matters More Than You Think2017-12-29T21:40:40-05:00

When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters

Your mindset can make all the difference as to whether or not you stick to a new plan. So let’s try to change some common misconceptions about moving.

  • I Don’t Have Time

This is never really true of anything. We have the time.  It’s about how we prioritize our time, and, in this case, whether we prioritize movementIf you get together with friends you could ask to go for a walk instead of meet up for food or coffee.  If you sit down in front of the couch you could get up and march in place.  On a phone call at work you could do some exercises.  But we often feel embarrassed to move in front of others.  Ignore them.  They aren’t moving.  And if they aren’t they don’t feel as good as you when you move.  Most likely they are just jealous that you don’t care.  And, you might even inspire someone else to move.  And, its highly possible they are so busy they aren’t noticing anyway.

1) As a side note, even if you think you don’t have time, you can tweak little things. Park far away at the mall, doctor’s office or work. Take stairs instead of the escalator […]

When it Comes to Movement, Your Mindset Matters2018-01-13T16:27:42-05:00
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