Standing Abs
There are multiple reasons to opt for a standing ab workout.
If you have trouble getting up and down off the floor, you don’t have to. Even if you can get up and down, these moves are convenient because you don’t have to pull out a mat and get on the floor. If you’re prone to neck pain when doing traditional ab exercises, standing abs reduces the chances the neck gets aggravated. Often, lots of other body parts are working with you while you do standing abs. And, as most of the physical challenges we face in life occur when we are standing, standing abs are a real functional type of movement.
Consider trying these moves in the NBC CT LIVE video below:
Side Bends with a Squat
Standing Bicycle –single leg or alternating
Opposing Limbs
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Looking for a more gentle way to Keep Moving?  Click here to read about Low Impact Cardio.
Struggling to sleep? Read This Blog for effective exercise tips to improve your sleep quality.
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