Make Time to Move
As spring rolls in, I wish everyone would commit to moving more, but it can be a challenge. One of the most common reasons I hear people don’t move more is because they don’t have time. So here are a few tips to help you fit movement into your daily routine.
Of course, you’ve probably heard the advice to park far away at any store and take the stairs vs the escalator/elevator. If you aren’t already doing that, do that for sure, but here’s more:
Wake Up: Wiggle & Wave
Get up and sway. Wave your arms overhead. Sway and wiggle your body. Movement doesn’t have to be regimented, you can move in a freestyle pattern. But basically warm up for the day.
Teeth Brushing: Toe Lifts
Before you cram your feet into shoes for the day, lift your toes up and down. It’s a really good exercise for arch support and almost impossible to do wrong. Plus, if you do wear shoes, you’ll want to make time to move those tootsies.
Pump Gas: Pump Your Heels (or think Gas = Gastroc (that’s your calf muscles’ real name))
While you’re standing at the […]