About Maggie Downie

Thank you for giving your time to stop and read my blog. I hope it encourages you to keep moving. Move and the body will be happier. And when you're moving you can hike, run, swim in Jell-O, race over non-Newtonian fluids, travel the world or build igloos--if that's your thing. If not, you can watch me do it. This is just a spot to try and feel good about life.

Self Love

Movement can be playful!

We are often our own hardest critic.  I know I am.  It’s my Type-A, entrepreneurial spirit. But no matter what our nature or our career path, I think we tend to be harsh with ourselves in a way many of us would never treat anyone else we care for.  We all need to give ourselves a little more self love.

In the past, I somewhat always thought this harshness was a motivator.  Apparently, I respond to drill sergeant mode.  Once upon a time that might have worked for me, but I’m attempting to be gentler with myself.  Partly, I’m just getting tired with age (did I admit that?).  Egging myself on is exhausting.  Plus every year it seems to become more and more obvious that life is too short to waste time being curt with myself. I’ve even drastically reduced my road rage because I came to recognize I was the only one hot and bothered.  The driver that would not let me merge was long gone.

That does not mean that I’m always successful.  It is in my nature to push through without a nap and struggle with […]

Self Love2018-06-19T10:06:03-04:00

The Greatest Showman

I love musical theater.  Matt, my boyfriend, does not.  When we first started dating if we saw a musical together we both had a terrible time.  He hated the experience, and I could tell he was miserable which ruined it for me.  The third and final time we ever saw people singing together on stage, I realized that each time the actors inhaled to prepare for a note, Matt sighed heavily and audibly, like the last breath escaping a dying man.  He was completely unaware that he was perceptibly expressing his disdain for show tunes.

We stopped going to musicals with each other because I love him and wanted our relationship to last.  Also, I have other friends to enjoy them with.  Then earlier this year—roughly sixteen years since our last musical—we were out for dinner and looked quickly to see if any movies were playing near the restaurant.  If we rushed, we could get to The Greatest Showman, a movie about P.T. Barnum.  We both like a good history/bio flick so we rushed to the theater and sat just as the movie was starting.  Seconds later when the movie opened with […]

The Greatest Showman2018-06-19T11:23:08-04:00

Exercise is Fun

If your writs don’t hurt you may take for granted how much they are supporting you on an exercise like sidebends.

Somehow in the United States we’ve grown up believing that exercise needs to be hard and painful or there is no purpose.  We drill ourselves into more reps and faster sets forgoing any sense of quality of movement.  We all know the motto: No Pain, No Gain.  And we wonder why children in the states search for doctor’s notes to escape gym class.  What sane person seeks out pain?  Yet so many of us do when it comes to our fitness routine (myself included sometimes). Very few people proclaim, “Exercise is fun!”

It’s sad because most children naturally enjoy playful movement.  They run around, flop on the couch, jump on the bed, squirm, and play tag at the bus stop.  They wiggle and roll, until we make all movement formulaic and stick them in desks for prolonged periods of time.

Whether you love moving or drone at the idea of it, take a moment to answer the following questions:

When was the last time your exercise routine was playful and fun?

Do you show […]

Exercise is Fun2018-06-18T17:33:52-04:00

Instructor Highlight Maggie

Planking on the Turkish Steps in Sicily.

While you may find Maggie subbing for another class, she generally is strictly a Pilates girl.  You can find her teaching in Glastonbury, private lessons at the Wethersfield studio, or at a corporate client.  She started Personal Euphoria in 2007.  Here’s Maggie’s instructor highlight!

Get to know Maggie:

When you aren’t teaching what are some of your favorite ways to move?

Nearly anything where my own two feet are on the ground: hiking, walking, running, kick boxing, fascia work experimenting with movement. I like to plank in fun places.  I prefer my movement to come with friends.

What song motivates or picks you up the most?

Is it lame that Eye of the Tiger really does get me pumped?  Or nearly anything by Abba.

 Favorite Food?

 Pasta with cheese.  No, chocolate.  Nope, pasta with cheese.  No, chocolate.  Okay, chocolate after pasta and cheese.

Time you normally crawl into bed?

Between 9 and 10pm.  Later than that and I’m a monster.

What skill would you like to master?

While my classes might wish that I could learn to count, I’d wish that I could sing or play an instrument.  I’d like to be musically inclined in […]

Instructor Highlight Maggie2018-03-21T15:44:04-04:00

Plank Story: Moby Bring Sally Up

Matt will be very active with me.  He will hike, kayak, and a can be convinced to run once in a very rare while or if he’s worried I’m running somewhere unsafe.  While he likes movement, he loathes exercise.  Pilates would be great for him, but he’ll nearly never do it.  But I figured out his Achilles heel—the secret that will get Matt down on the mat. The trick involves Moby Bring Sally Up.

Last night I was inspired to sing to him, “Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be, close to you.”  Those were the only words I remembered, so I sang them on repeat.  His face shifted to this look of angsty compassion.  His cringing brow declared, “I love you, but the sound coming out of your voice is causing intense pain,”  He wouldln’t admit it, but his face, and the bleeding ears, couldn’t hide the reality.  At first I thought he might just not like the Carpenters.  But then I realized it was me.  I stopped singing and asked if he wanted to try this plank challenge I’d heard […]

Plank Story: Moby Bring Sally Up2018-05-23T15:48:32-04:00
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