About Maggie Downie

Thank you for giving your time to stop and read my blog. I hope it encourages you to keep moving. Move and the body will be happier. And when you're moving you can hike, run, swim in Jell-O, race over non-Newtonian fluids, travel the world or build igloos--if that's your thing. If not, you can watch me do it. This is just a spot to try and feel good about life.

That’s Not A Word

Me & Matt

I’ve been with Matt for nearly 17 years and he never commented on this until today and neither has anyone else I’ve spoken to.  I mentioned to him that something stressing me out was giving me “agina.”  To which he finally replied, “That’s not a word.”

“Yes, it is,” I insisted.

“Nope, it’s agita.”

After a brief debate we searched for the answer online and the Google Gods proclaimed that agita is in fact a word for heartburn while agina is a word for nothing, unless I mean angina, which I don’t.  But I insisted: “Well, that’s not what I mean.  I don’t have heartburn.  This is giving me agina: an overall feeling of anxiousness.  It must be Italian.”

While not true, this seemed a plausible answer as my Italian-American family does use a number of random Italian words.  “Moosha moosh” describes when you just don’t feel great.  You are still willing to eat, but then you’ll want to lie down.  We say “Madone” which is the Italian swearword I know best.  […]

That’s Not A Word2018-08-15T15:05:07-04:00

Better Balance

So many beautiful places to practice balance!

We have been focusing on better balance this month at Personal Euphoria.  Balance is affected by our nervous system, our strength and flexibility, and our vision.  It’s easy to get frustrated when you feel like you can’t balance, but try to think of it more as a game.  Be a little playful as you experiment with balance.  Shoes on generally makes all balance exploration easier.  Shoes off will add more challenge to the foot and lower leg. 

Here are some ways to explore balance:

1)      Try balancing on one leg.  Which leg feels easier to balance on?  Can you balance for 60 seconds on each leg?

2)      Working the outer thighs is helpful for increasing balance, so try some of these exercises:


3)      This is […]

Better Balance2018-08-15T14:54:10-04:00

Instructor Highlight Isa

Isa is not one of our instructors, but she helps us with admin work.  If you have ever gotten a postcard or holiday card that’s in large part due to Isa.  She inputs and organizes all our client names and addresses.  She prints our labels for all our mailings.  Her work it vital to PE and helping us have a personal touch.  Here’s her instructor highlight.

Get to know Isa:

When you aren’t teaching what are some of your favorite ways to move?

I like kickboxing, HIIT, and I try to practice yoga every morning. And I love going on walks in the woods.

What song motivates or picks you up the most?

Jason Mraz, “Make it mine”.

Favorite Food?

Cheese and French bread 🙂

Time you normally crawl into bed?

I’m usually in bed by 9pm every night, but I read for an hour.

What skill would you like to master?

Playing the guitar.

What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?

Cross-country trip in a RV with my family. In the USA, France, or Australia!

 Favorite season?  Why?

Fall, because I love the colors and flavors (apple and pumpkin everything!)

 Best advice you’ve ever gotten?

You cannot control what happens around you, but […]

Instructor Highlight Isa2018-03-21T15:44:52-04:00

Plank Story: Do You Fart in Your Sleep?

My younger sister, stepmom, and I were flying to Dallas to visit my brother and sister-in-law and attend a baby shower for the first grandchild in my family.  We’d all be sharing a hotel room, so we discussed who would be sharing a bed in a room with two queen mattresses.

Cold at night, even in a Texas climate, my stepmom sleeps in many layers, including a cap.  But that doesn’t hinder your fellow sleepers.  She admitted to snoring, but a good snore you can hear from either bed.

My little sister basically sleeps like a rock, so she was the general winner in the group—the one everyone would want to sleep with.  However, though only I remember this, when we were little we’d sometimes sleep together and she would wake up covered in vomit, which I found repulsive.  She claimed she no longer vomited in her sleep and I tend to believe her.

It was determined I was the worst sleeping partner.  Sometimes while falling asleep, I twitch which can be off-putting to people.  I was told by my best friend on a cross country camping trip that I snuggle.  I’m a light […]

Plank Story: Do You Fart in Your Sleep?2018-05-04T11:15:37-04:00

Self Love

Movement can be playful!

We are often our own hardest critic.  I know I am.  It’s my Type-A, entrepreneurial spirit. But no matter what our nature or our career path, I think we tend to be harsh with ourselves in a way many of us would never treat anyone else we care for.  We all need to give ourselves a little more self love.

In the past, I somewhat always thought this harshness was a motivator.  Apparently, I respond to drill sergeant mode.  Once upon a time that might have worked for me, but I’m attempting to be gentler with myself.  Partly, I’m just getting tired with age (did I admit that?).  Egging myself on is exhausting.  Plus every year it seems to become more and more obvious that life is too short to waste time being curt with myself. I’ve even drastically reduced my road rage because I came to recognize I was the only one hot and bothered.  The driver that would not let me merge was long gone.

That does not mean that I’m always successful.  It is in my nature to push through without a nap and struggle with […]

Self Love2018-06-19T10:06:03-04:00
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