About Maggie Downie

Thank you for giving your time to stop and read my blog. I hope it encourages you to keep moving. Move and the body will be happier. And when you're moving you can hike, run, swim in Jell-O, race over non-Newtonian fluids, travel the world or build igloos--if that's your thing. If not, you can watch me do it. This is just a spot to try and feel good about life.

Plank Story: Strut Zone

This spring I’ve had a weird obsession with the turkeys living in my backyard. About a year ago, I watched a male turkey strut his stuff in the field behind our house. With his chest puffed out, his tail feathers enshrining him, and shimmering iridescently in the sun, he paced back and forth while two female turkeys pretending not to notice. I watch this sad state of affairs far too long and then just felt bad for the guy. Clearly, these coy ladies who would glance his way and then turn away were not interested.

About six weeks later a female turkey trotted through my yard followed by a flock of chicks. His display had actually worked. Since that time we have had 11 turkeys living in our yard. They sleep about 40-feet up in the trees behind my neighbor’s house. They lay claim to the yard throughout the day perched on the fence between our yard and my other neighbor’s. In winter they leave tracks in the snow. And, earlier this year one female turkey chased me out of my own backyard—a display of both her character and mine that I […]

Plank Story: Strut Zone2019-05-10T14:33:59-04:00

Travel Sites & Places to Visit

Movement is what enables us to do all the things we enjoy in life.  Eating is movement.  Breathing is movement.  Talking is movement.  For me, one of my favorite ways to move it to travel the globe.  Here is a sampling of some of the travel sites that still make me smile when they cross my mind:

Favorite Trips:

Salt Flats in Bolivia:

Stand in the center of the salt flats and all you see is white to the horizon line.  You can play games with perspective in pictures.  I’d love to return in rainy season when the white salt with a layer of water reflects that sky and people upon it. 

Hot Springs in Pamukale, Turkey: 

As you approach the hot springs it looks like people are soaking in snowcapped inlets on a mountainside.  The reality is more like hard baking soda surrounding warm blue baths.  It’s quite unique.  In Yellowstone there is a smaller version of something similar […]

Travel Sites & Places to Visit2019-05-10T14:11:11-04:00

Lunge Form: How to do a lunge properly

Often people are afraid to do lunges or squats.  They think those moves hurt their knees—either their experience is that it hurts the knees when they do them or they have been told those moves are bad for knees.  The only problem with that is that in order to move throughout our day we need to be able to do a lunge and a squat.  It’s not the lunge that is the problem.  It is the lunge form.  

Lunges enable us to get up and down off the floor.  Squats get us on the toilet.  A cross between a lunge and a squat enables us to get into the car.  These are movements our body is doing whether we fear them or not.  How do we resolve the question of whether or not we should be doing lunges? The answer: Learn how to do a lunge properly without hurting the knee.

Proper Lunge Form Tips

The video below will demonstrate and talk you though how to do a lunge safely, but before you start, here are some key factors to consider:

What […]

Lunge Form: How to do a lunge properly2019-05-10T14:13:27-04:00

Travel Workout: Moving in Small Spaces

Plank in Bryce Canyon

Traveling is one of my favorite ways to spend time.  But with the adventure of seeing the world comes a lot of small, confining spaces that force you into a seated position for hours on end.  When you need to fly, drive, hop on a train, or find yourselves in a dirigible, how can you keep moving in tiny spaces?

Tips for Moving in Small Spaces

·        Stop Caring:

I think a key factor in moving is not to worry about what other people think.  When you travel whether you pull over at a gas station, find a corner of a busy airport, or head to the back of the plane to stretch, people are going to see you doing something most people don’t do.  I always tell myself that I’m going to feel better than all the folks just sitting there.  That’s how I get over it.  

·        […]

Travel Workout: Moving in Small Spaces2019-04-25T17:45:26-04:00

Bunion Pain Relief

Ouch!  Looking for some bunion pain relief?  A bunion is a deformation of the big toe joint.  If you’ve got one, you’ll notice a boney protrusion at the base of your big to and your big toe will point in squishing all your littler toes.  Genetics and footwear can lead to or worsen bunions, which are more common in women. 

Aside: If you develop a bunion at your pinkie toe, it’s called a bunionette, which sounds SOOO much cuter than a bunion. 

Finding Relief

Ditch the Heels Ladies (and men):

Nearly every pair of shoes you purchase (unless they are minimalist shoes) has a slight or drastic heel lift.  The higher the heel lift, the more pressure on that bunion.  So stick to shoes with a lower heel.  Often men’s shoes have a slight heal lift too. 


I have a bunion, and I find relief when I gently pull on my big toe trying to create a little space between the toe and foot.  It […]

Bunion Pain Relief2019-03-15T17:29:21-04:00
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