About Maggie Downie

Thank you for giving your time to stop and read my blog. I hope it encourages you to keep moving. Move and the body will be happier. And when you're moving you can hike, run, swim in Jell-O, race over non-Newtonian fluids, travel the world or build igloos--if that's your thing. If not, you can watch me do it. This is just a spot to try and feel good about life.

Activities for Kids

Maggies nephew out for a stroll

We’ve all been cooped up in our houses for months. Maybe the kids are going stir crazy. Maybe you are going a little stir crazy. So what are some fun activities for kids that will help them burn off all that energy?

The possibilities for moves with kids are endless. But one trick is to try and find moves that kids think are fun and make movement playful. Movement should be a little playful, but it’s an aspect of movement we sometimes lose when we grow up. You may find that coming up with fun moves with your kids may help rekindle a little joy of moving for you too.

Activities for Kids

Start there: what type of movement did you enjoy when you were a kid? Did you play tag? Maybe you liked walking. Did you just move around and be silly? Maybe just tell your kids you’ll mimic any moves they do and then try to follow them (good luck)! Did you and your siblings have wheel barrow races or piggy back races?

Keep it Simple

Also, remember you can be simple. You don’t have to come up […]

Activities for Kids2020-05-28T13:08:09-04:00

Stress Relief

In the last month have you found it hard to make a decision or have you wanted to curl up and stay in bed all day and imagine COVID-19 doesn’t exist? Maybe you’ve had a sense of drive and told yourself multiple times that you are okay even though you haven’t had a great night’s sleep in weeks. If you’ve had any of those experiences you are totally normal and having a very natural stress response.  But what can you do to get stress relief?

Under Pressure & in Need of Stress Relief

Most people I know put a lot of pressure on themselves. We can push ourselves at work, as parents, as partners. Sometimes we feel like we are not doing enough even though the day is full. Now add quarantine to the to-do list when no one has the answers and somehow there is just more pressure to do more and be more. We tell ourselves we need to learn to slow down at this is the time, but in reality everyone is learning how to homeschool and trying to save the careers we spent a lifetime working toward.

As I saw […]

Stress Relief2020-05-11T16:20:42-04:00

Better Balance Exercises

What a piece of work is Maggie. Can you see where I’m unbalanced?

Research shows that balance training improves balance and strength. It is definitely worth incorporating balance exercises into your regular workout routine.

Better Balance Study:

A study tested a specific routine and found participants had improved balance and strength when performing a 50-minutes workout that included a warm-up, 13 exercises stations (each repeated twice for 1 minute), and a cool down. The study did not fully explain each exercise, but I tried to piece it together as best I could.

I suspect there are a lot of moves you could do to improve balance, but what I like about this particular study is the variety it included. It challenged people to walk in different ways, balance on one foot, and balance on one foot while moving the rest of your body. Additionally, they incorporated some eye exercises. That was interesting because vision plays a big role in balance, but I also don’t think we often think of exercising our eyeballs. It feels pretty good.

If you’d like to try it I put together my best attempt at what I think their workout might […]

Better Balance Exercises2020-04-06T17:42:33-04:00

Pelvic Floor & Breathing

One role of the pelvic floor or Kegel muscles is to aid in respiration. When we cough or sneeze and a little urine leaks out, we know that those muscles are misfiring, or maybe not firing at all. It’s super common, but not something we need to accept as normal.

But what do you do about it? Let’s start simply.

First Move: Feel the Pelvic Floor

Lie on your back with your knees bent feet on the floor (or legs propped up on something that leaves you knees and hips at 90-degrees). Pick a position that is comfortable for you. Now just breathe and notice what you feel. When you do breathe are you aware of your pelvic floor doing anything?

That’s it. That’s where we start. The first thing we need to consider is simply what we feel in our body. Try not to feel frustrated with yourself if you don’t feel anything or don’t know what you feel. If you can feel that the pelvic floor is getting involved you are a step ahead. If you don’t it is truly okay. Consider doing this exercise daily…with no criticism of what you feel. Just […]

Pelvic Floor & Breathing2020-02-26T15:07:16-05:00

Exercise Modifications

Top: Neck Happy
Middle & Bottom: Neck Sad & Straining

In the world of COVID-19 where many people are doing workouts from home you may not have an instructor cueing you to modify.  And even if you do as in the case of a virtual workout, having exercise modifications that you can always go to and learn for you body is helpful.  I often say one way to tell if someone is ready to move to advanced exercises is not just about strength, but about whether they know their body well enough to know when to modify and they are familiar enough with the moves that they can modify without being told.

Basic Tips for Exercise Modifications

Here are some general rules you can follow to modify a move:

  • If your back or hips hurt with legs in the air try 1 or both feet on the floor (bent)
  • If your neck hurts when doing abs, put your head down on the floor.  It doesn’t always make the move easier.  Often it makes it different hard.  You can always come back up, but working through strain is not how you make gains.  Check […]
Exercise Modifications2020-04-14T12:16:59-04:00
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