Movement can be playful!

It’s all too common. We make our New Year’s Resolutions to get and keep moving with exercise routines on Jan 2nd and by February we’ve forgotten all about it. So how do you stay motivated? Here are some tips for keeping active longer. Different suggestion work for different people, so figure out what it is that motivates you!

Keep Moving Tips

• Make sure a class or gym you register for it close. The closer it is to you home, the more likely you are to do it.
• Find a seasonal activity to love. Maybe swimming in summer or cross country skiing in winter.
• Meet a friend. You get to visit and move. Plus you hold each other accountable.
• Make sure it’s fun. You won’t do it if you hate it. And movement can and should be fun.
• Only allow yourself to watch TV if you are moving. So you can watch if you get on the bike, elliptical or get down and do some crunches.
• Agree to at least 5 minutes of movement a day. More often than not once you get started you’ll do more, but if nothing else you have stretched or walked for 5 minutes.
• Mark your calendar. It’s very easy to bump exercise for nearly everything else. So make an appointment with yourself and plan it as part of your week.
• Variety. Make sure you have different ways to move throughout the week. And each month or whenever you start to get bored change it up. Try something new.
• Walk. We take walking for granted, but it’s a really healthy and wonderful way to move. If it’s icy you can always go to the mall.
• Download and app. Find an app that makes movement a game or has you record your movement and reach weekly or monthly goals.
• Register for a race or an event each quarter to keep you motivated to move.
• Create a reward system. Decide how many days a week you want to move for 30-minutes. If you reach the goal each week or month you get a treat. Maybe that’s a hour of downtime, a bath, going to movie, or drinks with friends.

I’d love to hear other suggestion or the three above that you think will work best for you!


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