In case you haven't met Steph in class, she is our client corner highlight this month.

In case you haven’t met Steph in class, she is our client corner highlight this month.

Stephanie Tishler’s positive energy is infectious.  With a warm smile she tells me how her relationship with Personal Euphoria began over 6 years ago when she started taking mat classes in Glastonbury. She was part of the original Glastonbury group.  Within that time she also began taking weekly privates with Maggie.  “Without it I don’t feel the same” she says.  Tishler is a big believer in carving out time for yourself through exercise.  In addition to her Pilates practice, she is an avid runner. As a busy mom of two, who also runs her own business, exercise gives Stephanie space to clear her head.

Stephanie didn’t always know that she wanted to run her own business. The idea first came from something she wrote down on a napkin. She was at dinner with a friend who was looking for advice about running her business. As she listened to her friend talk, Stephanie wrote down exactly what she thought her friend needed to do on a napkin. Soon after her friend hired a business coach, and couldn’t thank Stephanie enough for her advice.

In her early 20’s Stephanie worked with a business coach and still finds herself using the strategies and tools her coach taught her, such as listening to her intuition, quieting her mind, and focusing on sustainable changes. When Stephanie was at a career transition, mulling over what to do next, her husband encouraged her to do something meaningful.  Stephanie thought back to the feeling she got when she helped her friend. She knew what she wanted to do.

She enrolled in a coaching program through The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching in the spring of 2015. As part of her training, Stephanie began coaching in November of 2015, completing her certification this July.

Stephanie enjoys working with clients who are looking for someone to keep them on track and want a creative yet laser-focused coach to help weigh the impact of their choices and provide a different point of view. Stephanie coaches people looking to get the most out of their work-life balance. Whether it is maximizing their opportunities where they are, growing their business or changing careers she enjoys helping people fulfill their passion.

Stephanie views herself as a resource connector and provides clients a safe space where they can work through road blocks.  “My job is to listen and identify where my clients are feeling stuck and tap into that,” says Stephanie. After identifying road blocks Stephanie and her clients create strategies and actions to reevaluate and overcome obstacles. The agenda during coaching sessions is client driven, focusing on what each client needs.  But the theme of her sessions always comes down to unlocking potential, which is also her motto.

Much like the inspiration for her business the idea for the name of Stephanie’s company came from a tiny piece of paper.  A poem, given to her by her mother:

The poem her mom gave her.

The poem her mom gave her.

The Key Makers

Some people see a closed door and turn away.

Others see a closed door, try the knob… if it doesn’t work they turn away.

Still others see a closed door, try the knob… if it doesn’t open, they find a key.

If the key doesn’t fit, they turn away.

A rare few see a closed door, try the knob… if it doesn’t open, they find a key.

If it doesn’t fit, they make one.”


One day, when trying to name her company, the poem sprung into Stephanie’s mind “The Key. Be The Key. Find The Key. You Are The Key… hmmmm Tishler Coaching Services: Unlock Your Potential – Yes!”

Stephanie works with her clients to unlock their full potential at work and in life, helping them work more efficiently and live life more effectively.

To Learn More about Tishler Coaching Services visit:


This post was written by PE instructor, Jess Tucker.  Thanks, Jess!