Buying a loved one a fitness gift provides more than just the surface level gift. It shows you really care about their health and wellness, which is key to a quality life. Here are some of my favorite fitness holiday gift ideas for all types of friends this year:

 For the Fun Fitness Type:

How about going a little retro with a pogo stick? Sure you can get this gift for a child, but you can also find one for your silly, fun loving, Tigger-impersonating friends. If you opt for this just make sure it’s weighted for an adult. I’ve seen them weighted up to 180 pounds.

If you have a group of friends that workout together or you know a sports team that exercises together, consider HIIT the game. It is a card game where you draw high intensity exercises, but along the way you can swap cards with players or make someone do an exercise you don’t want to do. You get points for each move you can complete.

 For the Practical Fitness Type:

A fun water bottle is a good reminder for anyone in your life to stay hydrated. This is especially important when we exercise.

Gaiam now makes foldable yoga mats. While these mats can fold down to a small size and fit almost anywhere, you will have to compromise on thickness. They are very thin. However, it’s a great option for the friend that needs to quickly turn their workout space into a workstation because they are still working from home, the friend who is still only doing outdoor workouts and wants something they can keep in their car without taking up much space, or a friend who travels a lot and wants to know they can have their own mat wherever they go.

 The Combo: Practical & Fun

Here I’d have to suggest my book, Keep Moving: Take Steps to Relieve Pain & Improve Your Life. It provides simple, easy moves for anyone in pain who wants to start moving again. That’s the practical side. But it is a light-hearted, even times funny, read as I share stories and laugh at myself attempting to get out of pain.

The kettlebell gryp is a handy tool to turn your regular hand weights into kettlebells. Kettlebells are weights just with the weight centered like a ball and a handle on top. They require a little more stability at the joints while using them, but also allow for you to make your regular strength routine a little more dynamic with swinging movements. If you know someone who has wanted kettlebells but didn’t want to make the investment or didn’t have the place to store two styles of weights, this nifty contraption can turn most regular hand weights into kettlebells. It’s my favorite new find for fitness. 

Accountability Partner

No matter where your loved one lives you can sign them up for a virtual fitness class and meet them in the class. You can workout together no matter where you are. Depending on the format of the fitness class you can see your buddy before, after, and potentially during the workout.

If you know you might not be the best accountability partner or can’t find a compatible time, get your friend a few sessions with a personal trainer. Then the personal trainer can be the accountability partner and help with form and fun, new exercises.

Ninja Warrior

Who doesn’t love a good episode of Ninja Warrior and wish they could play? Now you can. All you need is someone handy. You can purchase blueprints for how to build Ninja Warrior playgrounds in your backyard. So much fun, but likely best for a really fit friend.


Whether your friends and family are silly and fun, practical, need a little help to commit to movement, or desire to live in their own ninja warrior world, there is a good fitness gift to motivate and encourage them.

Of course, if you’ve discovered a fitness item that would make a great gift, share in the comments.


Keep Reading

There are plenty of ways to Keep Moving during this holiday season, check out this blog!

Want to learn a little about ornament history and some of Maggie’s favorites, click here!

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